TimmyGiggle Mode.

I totally held her.

Oh wait, so much for suspense.

I was sitting in the café, waiting. I decided I should do something else, rather than spacing out thinking about her. So I continued a letter I had started to letter, content to babble externally, rather than internally. Not two sentences in, Ashley arrived. She went to go get food, and I managed to pump out a page of TimmyBabble. Normally my letter-writing is rather slow, but fuzzies and giggles tend to let me write faster.

She came back and ate. I had already eaten the pb&j, and was saving the banana for “future sexual innuendo”, which indeed occurred. She said she doesn’t like her bananas squishy. She prefers them more firm. *smirks*

When she was just about done eating, I put my hand in her right hand. Remember, she’s left-handed. She was seriously in babblemode. She’s me in that she’s not that loud in a group. She’s been verbose with me before, but today, she was just steamrolling. I held my gaze on her. Now and then she’d lift her hands to demonstrate something, but she’d bring her hand back to mine. *giggles*

She finished eating, and she continued babbling. I put my arm up on the bench beside her. Mmmhmm. She continued steamrolling. Eventually at a brief pause I said, “Ashley. Come here.” Without missing a beat, she slide herself against me, my left hand on her tummy, and her right on mine. We continued talking. I found myself nuzzling the side of her face periodically. Kind of what I do? She doesn’t entirely like her tummy, but I think her tummy is tummylicious. A tummy that isn’t a little squishy isn’t as fun to rub.

I realize I haven’t described anything about what she said. But you know what? That’s none of your business. : D If I feel the need to share something, I will. Right now, I’d rather focus on these lovely FUZZIES!!!!

Colleen came by at some point, though I wasn’t holding her anymore because her cell phone rang. Oh, Ashley was in the middle of writing out directions to her house, her address. And while we were at it, I asked her to write down her number. Phhht. Get her number. I’ve touched her butt, nuzzled her, and gotten her address before getting her number. Protocol, my ass. *wiggles his soft, supple posterior*

I get a smug smirk when girls bitch about how guys are this and that, because I know I’m everything that they’re not talking about. I’ve always know it. I just know have the confidence to..

She’s said she trusts me, that I make her comfortable like few people do. That’s something I haven’t been entirely expecting. I’m so used to talking to people online. I’ve had a penchant for people just openning up to me completely, over the years. I wasn’t aware I had that kind of confidence, that aura to put people at ease. I mean, more than text, to really put people at ease. I like that. I sense she needs to calm down, in some regards. You don’t get much more laid back than me. I’m patient, and not really all that demanding. We’ll see. I do remember things people say, regardless of how bad people think my memory is.

I’m a very intimate person. We’ll see how far the rabbit-hole goes.

She was leaving to pick up her dad – and she forgot her bookbag. Colleen and I had a good laugh. I ate the banana and finished the letter to Elena. MANY GIGGLES and such. Wasn’t there for a while. Colleen was going to meet someone, so I vacated the campus. And I’m still in SUPER-HAPPY-GIGGLE-MODE.

I licked her shoulder. *giggles*

I asked her if she thought Colleen was on to us yet. She said probably, but she hasn’t said anything. Though, Ashley said Colleen said at some point that we’d made a cute couple. *smirks* I reason that Colleen respects me, and if she saw anything wrong with us being together, she would say something. *nodnod*

So yeah, we’re doing later-type-things together. Until then, I think I’m going to jack myself on protein. Might make my farts stinky, but oh well. That’s life! WEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

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April 28, 2006

Awesome! Someone is happy on a diary site! You have my respect. Just don’t take my wallet.

so I have no idea why, but this sent me into a spurt of giggles. :: She prefers them more firm. *smirks*:: I think it was the *smirk*, hell if I know. that comma so should have been inside the star. HANEEWAY. Timmy your entry made me smile. & Im adding you to favourites.

April 28, 2006

Eeeeee!!!!!! *giggles giddily*

April 28, 2006

Thats awesome!

you are so cute when you are giggling!

April 28, 2006

you said jack, and then you said protein. Anyway, niiiiice. Those subtle touchy feelies are great.

I’m completely tickled for you. I hope you have a great time later. Rose

April 28, 2006


April 28, 2006

I’m happy that your in SUPER-HAPPY-GIGGLE-MODE 🙂

You seem so happy.That’s awesome.

April 28, 2006

Omg! Omg!