This, too, shall come to pass.
One of my many stacks. It’s a marvel of physics that it doesn’t topple over eventually. Oh, and if you’re wondering, the “laugh-out-loud” movie is Kung Pow: Enter The Fist. I still need to give that back to Erik. I really should get a newer NHL game.
…I wasn’t aware dust was collecting on the top air-vent of Roxanne. I’ll get to it. ..I swear! I was aware of dust on the outside of the side air-fan. But. I have some crazy notion that it looks cool? Even though I should eliminate dust around Roxanne as much as possible. Must find a can of air.
I kind of neglected to eat much yesterday? Whoops. Blame it on not going to the Y. My rhythm was a bit different than usual. I woke up with an angry stomach. I figured, “Once I eat, I’ll feel better.” I promised myself waffles this morning. So ignoring the fact that I woke up past noon, I went and made waffles. But I needed something to drink. I figured I could have some Instant Ass. (Those carnation NutritionInAPowder!) But I wanted something better. So I got out a bigger cup, tossed in some Instant Ass and a packet of hot cocoa. Filled it up with milk and tossed it in the microwave. I should have thought of using all milk (and no water) years ago. MUCH creamier.
I figured I’d wait until I sensed how I was feeling before I’d hit the Y. May. May not. At my descretion.
Among the amusing things I’ve discovered in my room was my apparent massive stockpile of um. Well, look for yourself:
I knew I had spares, but I wasn’t aware I had THIS much spare crap. Let’s count. That’s THREE bottles of shampoo. There’s a bottle of conditioner packaged with the finesse, trust me. (Still in its original packaging!)
The gel standing up is what I used when I had long hair, at times. Blame Paige.
The gillette aftershave is what I’ve been using for years. I was wondering where that wandered off to. Oh. I found all this right under the head of my bed, in a box.
A condescending stick of deodorant. I tossed that.
Some cologne Paige’s dad gave me. I tossed that.
Ah, but the hard choice was the Suave liquid body soap. I love Suave. I .. don’t like body soap. Thus, I went to a third-party for my decision:
Oh, look at that, my lifetime supply of Zest. Thus, I THREW THAT LIQUIDBODYSHIT AWAY.
And look at that. A bottle of strawberry suave conditioner. And TWO VATS OF TRESEMME. *smirks*
Oh, oh! But, let me show you the epitome of packrat!
No, I’m not saying throw away the empty liquor bottles. (Four of them still have vodka in them, anyway.) I decided that to start cleaning up the chaos was to make myself aware of the chaos. Thus, I moved down my Smirnoff display. (Nevermind that there’s a delicious empty bottle of Bacardi Razz mixed in with that.)
Oh, and if you’re wondering, that is a USB cord dangling over my undies/sock drawer. Normally I put it in the scanner box when I’m done using it, but.. I.. forgot.. to? *hides face*
Ah! Move the bottles, and the hidden chaos is revealed!
Going right to left.. There’s that empty video game box. Yes. Empty. As I explained to Alex, I have an affinity for boxes, despite the fact that I never buy anybody anything. There’s those thumbtacks that I thought I lost. There’s my scraps of my old Almighty Notepad. I keep them there because.. that’s where they are? They’re on top of the copy of Diablo Two that Cliff gave me years ago. Nope, I haven’t gotten around to installing it. Oh, and the thumbtacks are on top of the cards I advertised a few entries ago.
That leather thing has a lot of nice colored pencils in it. I haven’t used colored pencils in years. Hiding behind that are three Zip disks. We haven’t had a zip drive in years, but I’ve kept there in the strange notion that “I may need them someday!” The doggie mug has erasers in it. The Pepsi canholder has old bank receipts in it. Probably from five bank acquisitions ago.
But, this is what really kills me:
Cliff gave this to me years ago. What is it? I still don’t know! Every now and then, he’ll ask, “You haven’t tried it, have you?” I’ll chuckle and admit that it’s still laying around. I remember he gave this to me before we moved. That’s right. I deemed this worthy of lugging around with me.
Throwing that away is like scrapping away the mold from my soul!
Seeing as how we’re in the area, let’s look at the stacks of CD’s that have accumulated.
Okay, not the best picture to read off the CD titles. I’ll tell you what they are. First stack to your left: *glances beyond his LCD* … RAMMS+EIN, Reise Reise; Metallica, Kill`Em All; Rob Zombie, The Sinister Urge; RAMMS+EIN, Sehnsucht; Creedence Clearwater Revival, Chronicle II; ZZ Top, Greatest Hits; Metallica, …And Justice For all; Britney Spears, …Baby One More time (Oh, that progression just kills me); AC/DC, Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap.
Next stack: Prodigy, Fat of the Land; Nirvana, Nevermind (CD that was playing at the time); Led Zeppelin, How The West Was Won; Hanson, Underneath; Audioslave, Out Of Exile; Audioslave, Audioslave; RAMMS+EIN, Herzelied.
Last stack: Modest Mouse, Good News For People Who Love Bad News; White Zombie, Astro-Creep 2000; Fatboy Slim, Halfway Between The Gutter And The Stars; System of a Down, Mezmerize; Nirvana, In Utero; Metallica, Master of Puppets; Metallica, Garage Inc.; Foo Fighters, One By One; Static-X, Wisconsin Death Trip; Rob Zombie, Hellbilly Deluxe.
A good question would be, “…How the hell did all of them get there?” Obviously I never intended for it to be that way. That area was actually clear for a long time. Then slowly but surely, CDs would collect as I’d get them out of my CD crate. Where’s my CD crate? …Oh, to the right of me. But good luck finding the CD’s.
Starting from the right… My hamper. For the record, I like putting CD stickers on it. I don’t think it would hold together now without them.
Yes, that’s my tuggy.
There’s some undies strewn there. Um. They’re undies I wear when I’m particularly randy? Because they’re a little big on me. Erm.
Yes, that’s a copy of Unreal Gold. Underneath that is the copy of Sugarhill Gang’s Greatest Hits that I stole from Wendi. Don’t you wish you had a copy of Rapper’s Delight that you could memorize?
Coming forward a bit, there’s a thingie with some 3.5 inch floppies. ..What is that doing in there?
That’s the USB cord to my camera. It would be sitting in there, but um. I had to take the picture somehow?
I like having my phone there. Unfortunately, a lot of other things gravitate towards the area, as well. I think part of the reason I haven’t moved it is because I’m aware that I now have more CD’s than the crate can hold. Nevermind that I have an identical crate underneath it that’s nearly empty, hold spare dorm medical supplies and some Aussie shampoo.
That’s right, in addition to everything else, I have some Aussie shampoo. MADE IN THE USA, BITCHES.
If you’re wondering, yes I did move all my reserve hair products into the bathroom. You have no idea how long my lifetime supply of Zest sat over there *points* before I FINALLY got around to cracking open the plastic and placing the bars underneath the sink. I checked my watch after I did it. “…Two minutes tops? Now why haven’t I done this sooner?”
Yes, that’s Mozart’s Greatest Hits. Yes, that’s a copy of the Beavis and Butthead video game. Yes, that’s a pack of Simpsons playing cards. Yes, that’s a copy of Half-Life. Yes, that’s a giant stack of audio tapes. Yes, that’s a Devil’s lamp. Yes, that’s the hand of my ever-so-wise old man with the long beard. Yes, that’s lipstick.
Soak it in, kiddos. I’ll fully believe that our rooms represent our mind. This chaos is just debris from years and months past. With the focus I have now, this chaos can’t last.
Wow, Timmy, that’s my kind of mess. My whole apartment pretty much looks just like your room. And I know you’re just like me on this – despite the mess, I know where to find everything. Suave rules!
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You dirty boy! I think you own more beauty products than I do. That’s just wrong. And what’s with all the Smirnoff? I personally can’t stomach anything by that brand, particularly their vodka. *gags* Their girly drinks are alright.
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you’ve obviously never moved house. i moved out first time at 25. i threw lots of shit away so i didn’t have to pack/move it. i got dustin (the packrat) into the habit now. should make our upcoming move a bit easier, i hope. i shall think of you at the wichita thunder hockey game tonight when they play thunderstruck :o)
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LOL You have as many shampoos as I did … but I did a clean out just last week and am back to 2 shampoos and 1 conditioner. I must super-congratulate you on your vodka collection – fabtastico!
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I want to see the ‘after’ pictures
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You’d have to dig to find all the chaos in my room. Moving three years cleared out a lot of it. Oh but it’s still here…I’m just not telling. Well, maybe not right now anyways. ;p
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*smiles* This is amusing from a distance. If I was in the room I’d flip the fuck out. *neat freak* :+P You know what would be awesome crimmas gifts? Tons of dollar bottles of shampoo that you’ve autographed. I know I’d display it…and we all love your hair. *winks*
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Heh. Glad to see I’m not the only person who buys shampoo in economy size. *searches* I see no sign of…my gift. Will it grace the presence of your room for months to come, I wonder? Could I….trouble you for a copy of the scan? You know…for posterity. 🙂
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