Third Year Anniversary, Part II
I remember how wonderful our conversations were Senior Year. We could just babble to each other until we had to GOTO bed. Oh my. *laughs* I got maybe five-six hours of sleep. But Princess? She was worse than me. She’s notorious for falling asleep on her calc homework. I remember staying up specifically so I could talk to her. In part, so she could vent to me about this and that. It’s hard to gauge how much she talked about her ex-boyfriend. It never bothered me. I’m serious. I wanted to be there. Having her vent to me made me feel useful.
I remember a conversation.. August before we left for college. She said she felt as if I knew more about her than she knew about me. I probably felt bad because I knew it was true. I probably told her I’d try to open up more. It’s hard to just turn it on and be open with someone whose opinion you actually give a shit about. My mindset was, “She’s too pure for me to randomly mention when I wack off, like I do with other people.” One way or another, even if it’s me all the way, how I talk to her is different than how I talk to other people. Or, at least, feels different. Same way I talk to Kivudet differently. Or my Grandma? *smirks*
I completely spazzed prior to leaving for college, and she was there. Never could find a conclusive cause. That first year of college, I don’t know what I would have done without a friend like her. As reclusive as I was, with everybody and everything, it was a comfort knowing she’d be there. I remember a time when I repeated to myself, “The Princess is my friend, the Princess is my friend.” That’s actually what I said to myself, not her real name. *laughs* I felt close to her, and knew she’d be a friend of mine for a long time.
We had our first – and only – fight that year. I think it was late September. She brought it up recently, and she can’t remember what we fought over. I can’t really, either. All I remember is that I took things too far and said some things I shouldn’t have. After that, I was afraid, for a time, to say anything related to my own opinion which she might take offense to. I remember how we’d bicker like an old married couple. *laughs* But, in a way, we are an old married couple. Princess has said that if there ever was a platonic marriage, we’d be it.
Last year was a lull, I’d say. Well, I know we’ve had lulls before, periods where we didn’t talk much, and then got back into the habit. But, last year, Princess was really busy with college-related things. She was basically enjoying life with her roomies, going out and having fun. So she wasn’t online as much. That’s fine. I’m sure I noticed how we weren’t talking as much. Last summer, we barely talked at all. Well, almost. I remember seeing her a couple days before she left for Australia. It was nice talking to her and hearing her voice, knowing our friendship isn’t just an anomaly of text messages sent back and forth. I think all we did was drive around randomly and talk. It was nice, made me feel close to her.
She left for Australia in July to study abroad. I was busy, between work and excessive socializing with Kivudet and company. But, if we were online at the same time, we’d talk. Now that I’m back in the dorm, Princess and I have been talking pretty much daily. (Well, depending on what day it’s relative to. *laughs*) And, I must say, I’m loosening up with her in a way I’ve always wanted to. It’s gradual, yes. I’ve never really lied to her, I’d just leave things out. Eh, whatever. We’re cool. We’re having more of those conversations that only end when one person has to leave to go do something.
She’s watched over me as girls have come in and out of my life. When we were first friends, I’d put the TimmyGirl of The Moment at the top of my buddy list. Eventually, I broke that habit, out of fear that it was bad luck. Girls have come and gone, but she remains at the top of my buddy list. (Nevermind that, technically, I’m at the top of my buddy list.) She feels like a staple of my life. I can’t imagine not having her in my life. She’s said she wants to help plan my wedding. *laughs*
Princess would claim we’re nothing alike, aside from a few similarities like our love of spiral mac and cheese, and mutual hatred of the Rangers. But, I’ve always seen in her something I see in myself. In the past, it was hard to articulate, but I think I can find the words now. I think it’s her desire to adhere to some form of morality. We’ve had plenty of arguments where I end up thinking, “Wait, what are we arguing over?” As I said previously, I admire her as a person. No, she isn’t perfect (though she is partly a perfectionist). It’s her mindset. If more people had a little Princess in them, the world would be a better place.
Here’s to the love, trust, companionship, dependability, and silly conversations a friendship brings. I love you, Princess.
(Sappy = fun)
this is very sweet. I have a friend like that. I used to feel like he didn’t open up to me much either, but lately he does. good luck and do keep people who matter most, close to your heart, as, others will come and go, but there’s only a couple indispensable people with you throughout life. ~M.
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I’ll get the mop.
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ryn: It’s never really mattered to me what other people do in notes. 😛 I hate using unicode. So there.
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ryn: oh, man, look at pilgrim’s latest entry. It’s unicode, I think, ‘cos hexadecimal is for colors. –the underwear girl.
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Aww. That’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard coming from a guy with such a huge penis.
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ryn: Okay. …this is a sweet entry 😛 –the underwear girl
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Hmm…I didn’t read this :
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..but I will later *nods*
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Aww yay! I feel all warm and fuzzy now, and I don’t mean that in any kind of condescending way. :o) Ryn: TOS? I’ll probably smack myself on the forehead once you tell me what it is.
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awwww. happy anniversary Timmy : D
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I said I’d come back and read, and I have. I always got “neuter” on my test results. I’m not overly feminine or overly masculine. I’m just, me. <3
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This was a cute entry. Sounds like me and Shaun. I remember when Mark made me so upset and made me cry a few weeks ago I was going through my phone list and I knew there was only ONE person I could talk to that would actually make me feel better. Cause when Shaun says “Aw, don’t cry, he’s not worth it.” it doesnt’ sound like an empty platitude, you know he means it. *nod* Maybe I should write him.
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