The Watchers

Speak not the watchers
Write not the watchers
Paint not the watchers
Draw little circles not the watchers
Sing not the watchers
Sing not the watchers
Dance not the watchers
Hate not the watchers
Love not the watchers
Given, not given, unforgiven not the watchers
Sing not the watchers
Love me Fleria not the watchers
Only me, me, me, not the watchers
Not Caim, no remorse, no safety, only me, me, me, not the watchers
Make happy faces not the watchers
Mister Anderson not the watchers
Sleep not the watchers
Attack not the watchers
Microsoft not the watchers
Feverish masturbation not the watchers
Undead respawn not the watchers
Kill not the watchers
Kiss not the watchers
Translate not the watchers
Hesitate not the watchers
Sing not the watchers
Commit risky trade on Wall Street not the watchers
Bush Doctrine not the watchers
Erect not the watchers
Post-Tramatic Stress Disorder not the watchers
Jedi not the watchers
Boomstick not the watchers
Interlope not the watchers
Photon torpedo not the watchers
Watch not the watchers
Speak not the watchers

Log in to write a note


March 14, 2004


March 15, 2004

*blinks* you know, i’ve really wanted to write some poetry lately. but i just cant get inspired.

March 15, 2004

me likes this very much.

March 15, 2004

I likee.

March 15, 2004

Make not a jalapeno and cream cheese sandwich for the Watchers.

RYN’s: I appreciate all the help, but they were really just rhetorical wonders. I get bored some times; maybe I’ll read some of your entries.

March 15, 2004

The first rule about The Watchers, is you do not talk about The Watchers

March 15, 2004

Microsoft not the watchers <— lol XOXO

SO where would you like me to send these panties? LOL i have tons of fun ones! I want to marry you TIMMY! I want a picture of you in them tho.. Ill take a pic in the same pair!

March 15, 2004

I miss you, where are you Timmy?! I wrote a “controversial” entry today. I love doing that, because it ups my notes!

March 15, 2004

Hehehe yup, it is fun. Where’s a fan when you need it? Hope you are enjoying your time at home.

March 15, 2004

Was it about Timmy smelling like a sweatshirt or Johnny Depp?

March 15, 2004

So this game is sorta like “All Your Base Are Belong to Us” All Your Watcher Are Belong to Us!

March 15, 2004


wasn’t the watchers a dumb dean koontz novel? your thingy here is much better.

Call attention not to the Watchers.

March 15, 2004


I think i know what I will send. I’m gonna send two but i know one is a lepoard print silky, smooth pair, VERY sexy. The other is pink and silver striped and says sexy on the back!

March 16, 2004

how fun, very um… interesting i guess i could say? yea okay…. not as deep as something i would write but my poems confussle people its all good 😉 ^_^