The Power of No.

After working five days straight, with 31 hours over the past three days, why in the world did I agree to (learning how to) open tomorrow with Jenny? I will say, there’s no chance in hell I’m staying an extra hour. I swear, there’s this gap in the schedule where there’s maybe one cashier on from 3 – 4. It’s slow then, granted. But you need at least two if you want to also cover floor. The slow moments are generally when you get a couple orders for drinks, after all. Ugh, why must I be so responsible? *laughs*

Cliff says that when I was in college, I had too much free time and too many distractions. I didn’t need to get things done promptly. So I put them off, and by the time I realized time was short, I had given up.

I’m also going to open next Monday and Tuesday with Jenny, and then go solo on Wednesday. I believe Mike (and Steve) said they’d go 3-2-2 with Melissa, Jenny, and I. Though, I wonder whether Sam will get a day in there. I remember her telling me that she’s openned once or twice. Mike said openning isn’t hard, it’s just an adjustment to getting up so early. I have my alarm set for 4:30. Should be enough time to throw my clothes on, maybe brush my teeth, and be there by 5 AM. Panera opens at 6. Apparently, the openner comes in at 6 on Sundays. Those few people who can’t get service due to coffees not being out aren’t worth it, he claims.

Yadda yadda.

I’m going to bed (I pray). I have to be up in a little over six hours.

I’m easily going to break 90 hours over the past two weeks, by the end of this week. Goddamn, that’s going to be a nice paycheck.

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Aw, gl with opening and all, it should be fun

January 17, 2005

Money is nice.

January 17, 2005

workaholic already!

Intelligent brains need activity, that’s all. Go you and your Panera-ing self. ; )

January 17, 2005

Don’t overwork yourself, dear Timmy!!

January 17, 2005

Don’t overwork yourself. More importantly, remember that taxes start to eat more of the paycheck, the more hours you work. I once found myself bringing homewages equivalent to less than my base wage, because I’d worked so many hours. One of hte many drawbacks of too much overtime. You might remind your manager that consistent overtime implies a need for more help.

January 18, 2005

Wow, you’re big ballin’, shawty! :+P (saying that made my mouth hurt…but it was funny)

( – no – )

Nice paychecks are worth it… but you’re going to need a break sometime!

January 18, 2005

Well, I hope the money is worth it buddy.