The Feedback.

It was a much different situation the last time I “cut my hair” like this, seven years ago. I wasn’t as out and about as I am now. I had to answer to my friends, and that was about it.

Just about every last coworker has said, “Oh my god, you cut your hair.” Either that, or “Did you cut your hair?” To which I will quip, “Yes, I cut a few hairs!”

But what really amuses me is how many people at the gym are saying something. I know females socialize at the gym, but I really just keep to myself. I do my thing, say little to anybody, and get out usually without saying a word. Not that I avoid eye contact. I just don’t strike up conversations during my rest periods. Despite this, there’s all sorts of guys commenting, “Hey, I like it.” You don’t really think about near strangers identifying and memorizing your physical appearance.

The feedback has been ubiquitously positive. Now, I know I abuse the the term “ubiquitous” a lot, but I really mean it this time. I’m expecting a reaction the next time I hit up the grocery store and a regular cashier sees me. Or when I hit up Macaroni Grill.

As for me, I love it. I feel like I’m a little hotter during my workouts, but it’s definitely nice taking significantly less time to wash my hair. I think I’m going to end up getting another cut at some point before the end of the summer. I’ve been mentally thinking about how long I want it to be by the end of winter. Important to keep my head warm!

Hrm. I thought this would require more words. Lots of redundant reactions, all positive, and I’m content. That about covers it.

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i dont like it

May 20, 2011

I was going to do what Riffraff already did, just to make it not ubiquitous anymore, but nooooo. 🙁 People notice you. Same shit happens to me when I dye my hair (and I do that shit every six weeks). People who’ve literally never spoken to me before will come up to me and be like, NICE HAIR! But I also do the same thing to other people. I think secretly we all just want a reason to interact.

May 20, 2011

loved your long hair but hey, if you’re happy that’s all that matters!

I loved the long hair too, but whatever. It’s YOUR hair!

I am sure everyone recognizes you/labels you at The Guy With The Hair. Not that its a bad thing (obviously). You have awesome hair. 🙂 There is a guy I work with who has curl hair like yours, but he keeps it pretty short. So when it gets longer it gets quite ‘fro like. And everyone describes him as The Guy With The Hair.

Ryn: That’s a Charlie Sheen way of looking at it. 😉 I’ve done my fair share of introspection, so I don’t think my perception of me is any different from actual me. And yes, definitely. Cost of living is significantly higher in the US.