That’s one high-rez flashlight.

I was taking screenshots for my own amusement. When something happened. Scroll slowly, there’s a point to this. Well, up to a point. Just. Just follow along, okay?

And if your max resolution isn’t 1280 x 1024, you have my pity. I’m keeping these original size.

One of my favorite spots, that I can actually remember. I mean, LOOK at it. It screams, “DON’T COME IN HERE, IT’S EVIL!” Naturally, when you grab the datathingie, a fire-ball throwing guy spawns. I swear, once you stop flinching, circle-strafing once again becomes your best friend. Also, returning fire is always a good strategery™.

These guys seem much more evil when they’re actually, you know, trying to kill you.

Doing my usual Kill-The-Lurker thing. Er, not that kind of lurker.

So I got lazy? I was trying to get a screenshot of pumping this one deadite, when I got swiped from the left side. Yes, I remember it was the left side. Unlike DOOM2, where you could take hits and not really feel anything, DOOM3 and other games add that extra encouragement to not get hit. Whoops.

Even in the future, there’s Windows™.

Oh look, the lurker I killed. I think that’s him. For kicks, I took a screenshot of me eyeing his ass.

Naturally I shot his ass. And look at him disintegrate HEY WAIT A MINUTE. THE BULLET HASN’T HIT HIM YET!

*points and jumps up and down*

This, I must investigate!


I wasn’t aware that deadites were so intimidated by me that they’d eject their brains before the bullet even hit them.

Whoever coded DOOM3 obviously had a sense of humor.

Even a swing of my flashlight, and his brain pops out.

Even with my fist – oh wait, I took the screenshot too early.


I really wish more advanced monsters didn’t immediately dissolve. I’d love to have giant carcasses just laying around.

HEY, WATCH ME KILL THIS GUY! Er, oh. I already killed him. Whoops.

I find it amusing that my flashlight is crisper than a random leg laying around.

And for originalsinner, my settings.

I forget what vertical sync is offhand, but I decided I didn’t need it/want it on.

Yeah. That’s my pixel-blasting for tonight. Suddenly, I’m seeing the replay value of DOOM3. And Gameplay For All.

And for anybody that’s curious, I have a modest GeForce 6600, an Athlon 64 3200+, and a gig of Corsair BlingRAM.

Log in to write a note

LMAO Was about to tell you how beautifully romantic your room looked!!

October 21, 2005

Damn. I was going to ask you what “vertical sync” was. Oh well, I’ve lived this long without it, I guess I don’t need to know.

October 21, 2005

LMAO! Brain. That’s awesome. *giggles*

Ew! Very bloody! and COOL! Heh. That M for Mature is there for a reason, you know. That totally looks like the kinda game that I’d be playing and piss my pants because something jumped out and scared me. I’ve done that playing Tomb Raider before. Heh.

October 21, 2005

Eh, I wanted to play the game when I saw the first one, but then I realized it was a run around and murder everything game that wasn’t Silent Hill.

Only you’d figure that out Timmy, only you

Did it come yet????? Heh. That sounded dirty. But……….did it?????????

*giggles maniacally* You know, I’m not sure I want to go IM with you yet. *blushes* I kinda like this.

‘Extend’ away! Rawr!

I did giggle a bit, I must admit. And *GASP* You noted in pink! It felt very…sexy. Do it again. Please. *whimper* Hehehehehehehehehe.

*makes note to self to show Pat this entry*

……………..Dammit, I don’t have a good comeback for that!

LMFAO you crack me up! (Oh, and thanks for all of the hugs. You know, I now have 144 notes on that entry, thanks. hahaha. 132 of them are from YOU!!!!!)

CUNT? I see no CUNT.

It lets me. What the heck.

Er….kay….do you mean keep reading the Timmy-Paige adventures? Hrm. This profane request you’ve made of me has me feeling worried.

Well, shit, Timmy, I’m still on Oct. 22nd. Give a girl a chance!

So. You haven’t said. Well, you’ve said you laughed but… Did you like it? Was it stupid? Girly? Kiddy? Idiotic? Cool? Weird? Unnecessary?

“you’ll have to lick and massage more than my cock.” Well DUH! What do you think I am, a newbie at this?? Hehehehehe!

How tall are you? I asked before but you never told me. NOTE SPAM NOTE SPAM NOTE SPAM NOTE SPAM NOTE SPAM! Heh.

BLOW ME BITCH! Bah! *cracks up* Hrm. I shoulda put a terms and conditions on that coupon. Blow job will be redeemable provided the redeemer provides at least a few minutes of make out time to get the poor girl ready for the act. Ha!

*giggles insanely* This is great…. Ahhh.

*seriously* I know you don’t want a token BJ. I never thought you would. It’s just…you dared me…so I did. I like you. *shrugs*

You’re shorter than me. Just letting you know.

Whoa, wait. Pregnant?

Restart?? Uh uh! That thing took me too long! Tee hee.

K, I still don’t know what’s going on. But…. I’m guessing….she lied about being pregnant??? To……hook you??? Seems…Iono. *shrugs*

Don’t tell me! I’ll read. I just want to see if my guesses are correct.

October 21, 2005

Geek. G.E.E.K. *points and laughs* You’re lucky I’m into geeks. Ha.

October 21, 2005

ryn: Ha! You said klingon.

October 21, 2005

RYN: Its more than that. Even if they didn’t use them the simple fact of principle.

October 21, 2005

RYN: Yes bresteses 🙂