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Thanks Timmy. Wouldn’t have known about it if it weren’t for you.

What happened with the old one?

Hi Timmy. Thank you for your note and for a path to your diary. I’ve been having a read and enjoying the journey. Of course, now I am seeing you dancing in new underwear. No, not as a pervert but because most of us don’t admit that we dance in new underwear. We do, you know. LOL

YEP!! Alex got to me *giggle*

Oh, and I totally agree with you — on OD, I may come off as bipolar. I suppose it’s because when I write, I write it ALL. And of course, you’re right, you totally know better 🙂 Plus, it’s easy to get an incorrect “full-picture” idea of someone from just reading their OD….what about folks that use their OD for the sole purpose of venting? You’d think they were about to kill themselves, but

they could just keep writing about something crappy that happened to them in the day or what bugs them. It may not take up their ENTIRE day, either. *shrug* I didn’t mention how much fun I had at Sarah’s yesterday. It was a blast, and I love her kids. I was happy all day. You’re a smart dude 🙂


Squeeeee! That is my first DITL viewing. I had to stop though, your partial boy nudity in the mirror made me feel like I was doing something wrong at work. I will look more later. 😉