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May 16, 2006

we all know that all taking care of a baby involves is swimming with them and taking them on walks. sheesh. where was her “proud” mother during all of this? when i was 11, i was HOME. i wasn’t drinking and smoking or having sex with random people. that article irritates me.

Oh. My. God. Where to start? 20 smokes a day but she doesn’t feel it’s affecting her pregnancy? Perhaps not her, but definitely her unborn baby! She’s excited? The mom’s proud? Well it’s good to know white trash isn’t just americanized I suppose. The boy that got her pregnant is 15, not sure if laws there are different, but that’s not statutory rape here, well not in MN (not sure if other

Holy shit.That’s disturbing.Especially since her mom is PROUD of her.

states are different or not). You would think, living with a young child she would recall that not all child rearing are prams and swimming. I am just stunned, shocked, and amazed. That is truly appalling. Rose

May 16, 2006

She is too young to grasp the consequences of the things she does in relation to her pregnancy. A girl who starts this behavior at 9 can’t be held responsible – the mother is clearly the one who ought to be criticized. In fact I think the sort of negligence required of her to allow this to happen ought to be enough to prosecute her same as they’re prosecuting the father of the baby.

May 16, 2006

she’s too young and everything is appaling but I do not understand those people saying it’s a today problem: in the UK itself children of that age where sent away to work not much time ago and I’m sure that, in those circumstances, they smoked, drank and had sex (rape or not)

what a load of shit.. proud???? smoking through a pregnancy? I dont suppose smoking is considered bad in britain as it is here, you’d think proud mom/gran would educate her daughter more.. then again.

May 16, 2006

as an 18 year old virgin, i am confused as to how an 11 year finds it necessary to take part in sexual intercourse. when was 11, i didn’t even know what sexual intercourse was. pfft. ♥

And an 11yo gets money for cigarettes how? From her mother.

May 16, 2006

See, this is why abortion should always be legal. Smoking and drinking at nine, preggo at 11. That’s just insane. At 9, I was still playing with Cabbage Patch dolls. At 11, I still thought boys had cooties. A girl in my 6th-grade class dropped out at 12 to have a baby. She had another at 14, twins at 16, and another at 18. That’s the last I’ve heard, she might have more by now.

May 16, 2006

education. its the only answer. educate your children and they will be less likely to end up like this. not by the school systems. but by talking to your children.

May 16, 2006

The mom is proud!? What the hell…

damn thats just I dont know..

May 16, 2006

“I can give up smoking at any time, but I don’t find it affects my pregnancy.” But it affects the baby. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! How can someone let this happen? Seriously! I am angry. That mother should be looked at by Britain’s version of CPS. Not the 11 year old girl, but the mother of the 11 year old girl.

May 17, 2006

Seriously, seriously scary. My sister is 12 next month. She’s not even wearing a bra yet, and thank god for that. If she was anywhere even close to this I’d have a heart attack.

May 17, 2006

THat’s just heinous.

May 17, 2006


May 17, 2006

As a member of the Early Bloomers Club™, Ill say that I can understand why someone would have sex with her at 11. What I cant understand is how her mother allowed her to smoke and drink. Even if she didnt know she drank, which is unlikely, she had to have supplied the cigs, as there is no other place I could think of that she couldve gotten them.Some people need to learn to control their kids.

May 17, 2006

Let’s all click and feel better about ourselves by shoving someone else into the “other box!” Woot! Yeah. Not looking.

*Gag* the ignorance is astounding… The unfortunate reality is that there are plenty of 12 year olds over in Africa giving birth everyday. While this particular article is sad… it’s not “amazing” news.