Sean Connery.

Coming to theatres this summer…
In a world where stuff happens,
One man must do something…
*init key scenes*
Sean Connery.
In a Sean Connery film.
About Sean Connery.
Starring Sean Connery,
as Sean Connery.
With a forgettable supporting cast
Because the movie’s about Sean Connery.
From the makers of all other Sean Connery films…

(This film has not yet been rated.)

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June 19, 2003

I’d go see it OK, wait, I wouldn’t because Sean Connery’s voice is weird.

How’s Bambi working out for you?

June 19, 2003

I hate Sean Connery. Serious hatred for the man.

June 19, 2003

Saw you on random- I’d SO go see that movie! LOL

June 19, 2003

Sounds interesting, who’s in it? 😉

Sean Connery. Mmmmm….sexy now….sexy then….a voice so sexy he can make me wet. *snickers* Too much info, maybe? Oh well. As a friend of mine once said to me, “Sean Connery’s voice is so sexy, if he just said my name, I think I’d cum.” Ditto to that, baby. hehehe

Thish film ish rated “K” for “Kilt”!

June 19, 2003

U sew fun-e. . . . and LOL at Lori.

June 19, 2003

LoL, Id prolly go see it. I agree his voice is totally sexy, and hes a good actor, most of his movies are really good, so, yeah. lol. Im just a big dorky random noter. 😛 ~Skip

June 19, 2003

i have to pee. <3 Sheri

I get to be a diddley?

June 19, 2003

*Sean Connery Voice* “Well isn’t that naughty.”

My mother got “hot thighs” when she saw Sean Connery on TV.

June 19, 2003

I’m there, in line, opening night. Seriously, I plan to try to be, and yes, it is mostly because he’s in it.

June 19, 2003

oh my GOD!!! I’ve read Youth in Revolt three times too! I worshipped that book my entire sophomore year of college!

I like boobies, too. But only my own boobies. My boobies are the best in the world. They’re super boobies. 😀

hahaha, thats so funny