Review of Fat Loss I.
Rather than wait a year from now to review New Rules of Lifting, I thought I’d write a small blurb about each module as I finish it.
If I were given a single hard routine, and told to do it twelve times, I’d lose interest fast. But have it start reasonable, add some variety, and have it get progressively harder, I’ll be up for the challenge. The A/B format worked great, keeping me focused on the challenges of the next workout rather than thinking about repeating the previous workout. The progressive increasing of weight and dropping of rest periods kept me from getting bored.
I also lost at least five pounds without even trying, though that’s partly because I don’t eat enough.
I did tweak my lower back during one of my later workouts, during the second set and ninth rep of RDL’s on Day B. I recall being mentally drained at that point of the workout. My form must have slipped. I subbed in step-ups in place of RDL’s. Day B was noticably harder than Day A. Though, I was able to use substantially more weight on deadlifts than I was for squats. Most of my lifts had the usual minor progression was the days went by. My squat felt stagnant, though.
I started with Fat Loss I to increase my work capacity and to break a sweat. Having done that, I’m glad to be moving on to Strength I.