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January 22, 2007

No, really? You must be joking! Yes, I knew that, my OB will only see me as a patient if I have a repeat c-section because my first one was an emergency surgery, and because I am diabetic and considered high-risk. I’m comfortable with my decision.

Ha ha ha!

January 22, 2007


January 22, 2007

You’ll have fun collecting monsters for your monster team in the monster arena. The best team are the three golems, but you cannot collect all of them until you get fly. So your best bet from there are three monsters named Steropes, Brontes, and Octurion. Octurion does attacks as well as fullheal. 🙂

Aren’t you a Leo? Born between July 23rd and August 22nd? If you are, you’re considered one of the best drivers on the road. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Insurance/InsureYourCar/StudyLinksZodiacAndCarCrashes.aspx Interesting, eh? Capricorns aren’t mentioned, so I assume I’m neither a good driver nor a bad one. LOL.

Hehe. I bat at his nutsack and yours like a kitty with string, mOn! CAuse…I’m bored. *sigh*

January 22, 2007

lol reminds me of a poster I saw once – a mouse flipping off an eagle as it swooped down on him

January 22, 2007

ryn: I meant American president. Oops. I’ll fix that.

January 22, 2007

Dumbass would be a good name indeed, but I believe his name is Dumbking.

January 22, 2007

Yes, there is a dullahan in the game, but you cannot recruit him until much closer till you beat the game.

I think the Prez would too. *nOds* I think that’s why you’re such a baaaaaaaaaaaaaad Timmay. You like being punished.

January 22, 2007

Instead of studying, how about you play good old-fashioned Dragon Warrior on some NES emulator? Angelo’s not only OCD, he’s a bit of a manslut I think.

January 22, 2007

That doesn’t make any sense for him to say that. Culturally, he’s a gringo too.

January 22, 2007

Aw…that article made me think about Castro. I’m gonna be a little sad when he dies.

January 23, 2007

Yeah i looked it up and boy does it work! i have never sweated so much in my life! gonna start doing it more often! Take care!

I really REALLY cracked up at the “gigantic nutsac” part. In fact, I’m still laughing really hard.