No Sleep Till Something Something.
Status Report
- Day 1 of The Great Fauxskin Experiment
Wearing: Just my tuggy.
WinAmp is playing: Night At The Roxbury soundtrack
Last ate: A single poptart.
Last round of masturbation: under an hour ago, in a futile attempt to help myself sleep.
Entry Start Time: 2:48 AM
What I’d like my DiaryName to be: Uncircumcising.
Based on Esther’s “Senses”.
Well, so much for sleeping tonight. I’ve given up, completely. I submit, it’s impossible for me to sleep tonight. At all.
Oh sure, it’s quiet now. I went to bed around 10:30 PM. Fell asleep before not-too-long. Woke up to the sounds of a massive circle jerk. No wait, it’s just some stereotypical males grunting to American Football, the horrible game that it is. I laid in bed, thinking if I just didn’t open my eyes, I could fall back asleep. More grunting. Even heard a female voice in there, now and then. Must be a bull-dyke. I had to check the time. Yup, that early. I considered being a stick-in-the-mud and asking them to kindly drink some cans of SHUTTHEFUCKUPTM. Alas, I’m just too damned nice. I began plotting to blast music in the morning before one of my first periods.
Oh yeah, did I mention that I have one of those in a couple hours?
Almost 3 AM. I have to get up in four hours. Well, did. I’ve decided that it’s absolutely pointless to GOTO class if I’m dead tired. I’d have to get up at 7:15, get my eyes from stop being blurry and stop burning, put some clothes on.. catch a bus to college ave. Um. THEN sit through class. I doubt I’ll be coherent enough to actually learn anything. More pennies down the drain. *flush*
I don’t think I’ve actually skipped class yet. I do know I’m behind on all the readings in all my classes. I’ve missed homeworks in two classes so far. There’s homework to do for my Numb Anal class, which I haven’t looked at yet. That’s due in um twelve hours? I don’t think I’ll be doing it.
Usually I get bummed out when I slack. Apparently, now isn’t one of those times. Now is one of those times when I’d rather just play video games, write in OD, and jack off all day. I wonder if the whole having-no-classes-on-campus thing is getting to me. An 80 minute class turns into something that eats over two hours of my day. This morning, I waited a half an hour at the bus stop, with two full B busses going by. It’s either wait for the bus, or get there earlier. I’m so god damned lazy.
Princess and I discussed how I have no direction in life. Or something like that. I’m sure we’ve had similar conversations before. What am I going to do when I graduate? Not a clue. What do I care about? Not much, apparently. I could guess, but I’d really only be making up things on the spot. She tells me I should think about these things. I’ve tried. So many times I’ve tried. All it succeeds in doing is clearing my mind of all thought. About as blank as I get. I seem to be wandering around life rather blindly, just bumping into whatever I run into. That’s how I ended up at this god damned college. It would be pretty sad if I went through my entire life like that.
I made some assertions to Princess which she refuted: All people are capable of anything they put their minds to. This came about because I was saying how anybody else can do what I do. And conversely, because of that, I can do anything anybody else can. I’m too lazy to flesh out our viewpoints.
It’s 3:30 AM. I have class in a few hours. And I am ABSOLUTELY WIRED. *mumbles incoherently* This is what I get for thinking I could GOTO bed early and catch up on sleep before an 8:10.
you’re passionate about uncircumcision. you should be a lobbyist. a politician!! hahaha “vote for timmy. he looks like jebus”
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“Really its not mine baby…someone is playing a trick on me!” Why is it someone invented the Tug Ahoy?
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Uncircumcising….I like that name =)
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Enjoy yourself, Sir.
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I am very interested in your Tug Ahoy results. You may remember my saying I elected to get cut when I was 12 years old. (Hey, kids do stupid things). My parents thought it was good idea. Ya want I should come to Rutgers and open a can o’ whoop-ass on the football jocks? I’ll come in camp drag. Knock ’em dead.
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Holy crap. I remember my neighbors blarring their music at 4 am one day. I turned around on the bed and kicked the wall until they shut it off. LOL Broom handles work well for people above you. Do you happen to have an extra can of that shutthef*ckup for my Husband for the next Raiders game!? Get some sleep ;0)
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RYN: You’re hysterical. And I’d agree with you but PMS would prove me wrong. Then again, there are always females who smash the stereotypical, socially expected crap all to hell, so…
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I think that could be an awesome way to live your life, just bumping into things. Thats pretty much how I live mine for the most part. You seem like you would be a great writer. You should travel and write interesting things for interesting magazines.
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Aren’t there RA’s and other such staff you can call/go to to have them shut the people up? <3
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beep. that is all.
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