Movie Review: The Lost Skeleton of Cadavera.
I’m tired, but I just wanted a post a little blurb on this. Cliff bought this for me. His instincts were right: I found the tautalogous dialogue exceedingly hilarious to the point where I was replicating it. The story on this film is that they paid some actual actors to act.. badly. It’s like William Shatner overacting at times, it’s hilarious. Plus the horrible special effects. This movie was meant to look like it was made in the 50’s/60’s, but it was made in 2004. If anybody runs across it, rent it. And think of me! Wouldn’t want anybody to be horribly mutilated.
But as I said, I’m tired. I’ll go sleep. :: cuddles his balls ::
I’ve never heard of it. Maybe I will have to check it out…
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ryn. i don’t know.
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Why would I want to rent a movie that you describe as being the sort of movie I would hate? But sure, if I see it, I’ll rent it, and think of you, and hopefully I won’t want to kill you after I see it. 😉
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*pokes yer balls* Hehe.
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ryn: you’d have to be pretty damn strong to lift me lol
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sounds like it was made for MST3K
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^^^ I second that.
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I died laughing at this movie. Then I was resurected. I am so surprized I’m not the only person on earth who has seen it.
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OH HON. Happy Christmas to you.
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