Morning of 2-28-6
For whatever reason, I woke up in the middle of the night, my entire body covered in sweat. You know the wet spot that forms after you’ve had sex? Yeah, it was something like that. No, I didn’t cream myself, I was just sweating. Just my lower body. Got my legs out, and took my bikinis off, because my balls were sweating like drazy. I yanked my pink blanked out.
I woke up laying on my right side, and noticed my partial coverage. Haven’t slept completely nude in a long time. Someday, I won’t need something to hold the skin over, but not yet.
I don’t remember dreaming, either. Was it overheating? *shrugs*
I have a test I haven’t studied for, nor do I know what it’s on. Have I mentioned that I hate Systems Analysis? So you can imagine why I still feel a little uneasy. Kind of want to crawl back into bed. I’m such a stressed-out slacker.
I should eat and stuff. Meh. Well, at least I got my glorious morning pee out of the way. Yay for small victories?
Systems analysis can be interesting…it can also be hell.
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*applauds* stressed out slacker… I love that and yeah, it does seem to fit you well. you didn’t think that I was clapping for your ball sweat or morning pee did you? lol
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