Morning Initiative of 3-23-6

Yesterday went really well. My morning went precisely as anticipated. Worked out. Stuck around campus for a bit. Made it to the empty computer lab (for people in computer classes). I told myself I only had to do one half of the assignment, but I ended up doing both. So. For once, I’ve done the C++ homework. It felt good to do stuff. It also reminded me how stupidly easy the assignments are. I just get tripped up with little things like type conversations, or having to write a pet method to ask the user whether he wants to continue. Or I get lazy with writing output, or putting it all together.

…Well, I did it? It felt good to do stuff! I try to remind myself of that.

I did a mental briefing of what I had to do for today. Nothing much, though I should be along soon. I let myself just relax last night because I felt, well, good. I’m a bit nervous this morning, but I’ve given myself a refresher of the big picture, and I think I should start chipping away at it. I just remind myself, “You’ll feel better afterwards.”

I forgot to mail something to Alex. Or, rather, I intended to do that Tuesday. I told myself, “Well, write her a letter and mail it tomorrow.” Problem solved.

After class, I’ll vacuum my room, and tend to things that have been terrifying me for months. Sounds like a plan. Then I’ll chill for the evening, as there’s no homework to be done for Friday beyond maybe showing up on campus earlier and perusing the next chapter in Lifetime Wellness.

I had a sixteen second pee. It was wonderful. Crystal clear.

I’ll be along now.

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March 23, 2006

crystal clear pee is good, dude. You must drink a hell of a lot of water. How healthy!

March 23, 2006

*morning hugs*

March 23, 2006

You sounds healthier than you have in a long time. xxx

*HUG* I love you Tim.

I’m glad yesterday was good and I hope today was great too.

Doing homework makes me feel accomplished. Maybe because I never do it on time? *hides* *hugs* R.