Lifting for 8-15-11

    Cycle 0, Week 4, Day A
    5 @ 45, 95, 135 lbs, 3 @ 175 lbs
    3 @ 195 lbs

    BB Bench Press:
    5 @ 45, 95 lbs, 3 @ 135 lbs
    3 @ 150 lbs

    Pendlay Row:
    3 @ 135 lbs
    5 @ 150 lbs

    Alternating Sets
    10, 9 @ BW
    9, 7 @ BW

    Steady State Cardio: 20 minutes

    sleep: Maximal
    nutrition: Good, except for the alcohol last night
    mood: Good

So that massive blue drink I had from Stuff Yer Face last night got me totally sloshed. So tasty, so alcoholy. Did I mention the stromboli was beyond imagination? YUM. Crashed at Erik/Liz’s around midnight. Woke up around 4 AM, I believe to Erik’s alarm. I was strangely wide awake. I even had a dream prior to waking up, I think something to do with Miss Emsley fixing my broken chair.

Awake and sober, I drove home. I figure I’d do some writing (which I did), play some everquest2 (which I did), and hit up the gym prior to a nap. Feeling sleepy around 9 AM, I went back to sleep until around 2:30 PM. Felt completely calm and refreshed. Shit, I should sleep more often! On my mental list of things I’d like to do is get some more glasses and a new frying pan. I gave my mom all the plastic cups she wanted, leaving our cupboard a little bare. My dad may not care, but I like having glasses. SEXY GLASSES. Concurrently, the small frying pan I used for just about everything is scratched to all hell and probably slowly poisoning us.

I had a small internal squee walking through housewares in Target. I haven’t been through housewares with a real intent to buy since I was dating Paige seven years ago. I’m told it’s really strange for a guy to feel this way, but I LOVE domestic crap! I had to stop myself from buying stuff I clearly didn’t need. (Oh, but that light looks so cute! AND TOTALLY WANT A GRANDFATHER CLOCK.)

I hit up Target after the gym. As for the gym, well. My spirits are feeling better. My actual strength levels seem secondary to how I actually feel. If I feel good, I’ll have the resolve to keep coming. If I feel like crap, no matter how strong I feel, I won’t come as often. Given how significantly weaker I am, I’m debating having the first cycle be straight-up Starting Strength, if only for faster progression. Or whether to stay with what I have now. One day max effort squat/bench/row, one day max effort deads/militar, one day higher volume.

I feel good.

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August 15, 2011

The housewares aisle is one of my favourites too. I wish Brodie were as excited about it as you lol.

August 15, 2011

I love domestic crap, Ikea is a regular destination on the weekend, just to buy more useless house junk that’ll break in a matter of minutes. R: For the record, after trying it, I now like putting my ass in people’s face.

August 16, 2011

RYN: Alcohol is a fantastic device for semi-clear communication! As long as you use it with caution. Seriously, I have never ever ever recorded myself sober. However, I think of my ideas while sober. That’s the difference Step 1: Think about what you want to say. Step 2: Drink. Step 3: Record (assuming you’re sober enough to remember what you want to say in step 1).

August 16, 2011

I approve of the above noter.

August 16, 2011

Drunk words are sober thoughts