Lifting for 8-10-9
- Workout XIX
Alternating Sets
BB Front Squat: 3×5 @ 135 lbs
Swiss Ball Crunch: 3×20 @ 25 lbs
Alternating Sets
DB Bench Press: 6, 5, 5 @ 60 lbs
DB Row: 6, 5, 5 @ 60 lbs
Alternating Sets
DB Shoulder Press: 9, 8, 8 @ 35 lbs
Pull-ups: 9, 7, 5 @ BW
Felt really good today. Still not trying to improve my squats, but it’s not a big deal. Just kind of relaxing until the end of the month. Next month I’m going to start 5/3/1.
I had a hunch giving bench a day or two’s break would be beneficial. I was correct! Weights went up, I felt strong.
Hit 9 reps for pull-ups, but strength in subsequent sets fell off. This is why I typically do lower reps for more sets – lets me get more reps in later sets, for a higher total volume. I’ll hit ten total by the end of the month. It’ll happen. It WILL.