Lifting for 7-1-9

Past two days, went to a class for work. Really not that difficult, mostly common sense. I suppose being a certified ‘professional food manager’ is something else to put on an application. And I got paid for it. Works for me. It’s basically a food safety class. I like knowing stuff like that. People have no idea the kind of systems that are in place, assuming they’re being followed.

    Day A
    Workout V

    5 @ 95, 135 lbs
    3×5 @ 170 lbs (+5 lbs)

    BB Bench:
    5 @ 65, 95 lbs
    3×5 @ 120 lbs

    BB Row:
    3×5 @ 120 lbs (+5 lbs)

My back felt a little odd when I was warming up, but it seemed to go away as I warmed up. I’d describe it as a stiffness through my left spinal erectors. It felt good to stretch it out during my post-workout stretching.

Workout went just fine. Nothing outlandish happened. Bench form felt fine, same with rows. Might need to work on my squat breathing, but that’s about it.

Seeing the girl tonight. YAY.

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