Lifting for 5-29-9

I wanted to go this morning, but I was too exhausted. So I went tonight and I cross my fingers I’ll be okay tomorrow morning to open.

    NROL, Fat Loss III
    Day A, Workout III

    Rest: 60 sec after each quad – no rest between exercises

    Quad A
    Deadlift: 12, 12, 11, 10 @ 155 lbs
    Push-up: 10, 10, 10, 6 @ BW
    Bulgarian Split Squat: 4×10 @ BW
    DB Two-point Row: 12, 12, 11, 8 @ 35 lbs

    Quad B
    Deficit Deadlift: 2×20 @ 95 lbs (+5 lbs)
    DB Bench Press: 20, 15 @ 30 lbs (+5 lbs)
    Plain Old-fashioned Lunges: 2×20 @ BW
    BB Wide-grip Row: 20, 18 @ 60 lbs

    Hanging Leg Raises: 2×10 @ BW

    Intervals: 30 seconds hard/60 seconds easy, six rounds, on elliptical

This was notably easier today. Not in the sense of being able to bang out reps easier, but in terms of not feeling like death quite as much afterwards. I broke a healthy shimmer of a sweat over my entire body, don’t get me wrong. I just felt far more like I COULD do it without breaking myself or my spirit. My hip felt a little weird, but I just focused on form and there was nothing painful. I took some glucosamine and chrondroitin – that combined with rest usually does the trick. My breath was definitely fatigued when I went from deadlifts to push-ups. It was a weird feeling being out of breath yet not feeling fatigued muscularly doing the push-ups. If that makes any sense.

Deadlifting with 25 lb plates is far easier than pulling from the goddamn floor. Not that I’m about to start jacking up the weight. Didn’t need five minutes to recover after the last set. That’s a relief.

Oh yeah, the leg raises. Seemed almost like an afterthought of an ab exercise. When the second set goes better, I’ll add weight.

Crazy as it sounds, doing intervals on an elliptical makes me feel better afterwards. I’m straying from the metabolic overdrive program because I just can’t see adding another minute-long interval. It’s too much, and it gets demotivating trying to maintain intensity for a full minute. Half-minute, I can do. I’ll add some more intervals next time. Went well.

Took some melatonin immediately when I was done with my workout. Gotta be up tomorrow morning. Almost done with my chili. Will relax a little bit, then promptly snuggle into bed. Mmm, sleep.

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I take glutamine. I thought glucosamine was for joints?