Lifting for 4-25-9
I simmed last night. It feels so much better to Sim when I’m not avoiding something. Thing with me is I need enough time to go through at least a single day. I tend to stop playing a household when I put everyone to sleep. I pick up in the middle of the day, it’s way too hard to figure out where the hell seven people are going. At least, with the Diddley household. Playing a single day with seven people takes a lot of micromanageing. The Diddley Mansion is freaking awash with cash. I threw a bunch of trees in the backyard and they still have something like 60K simoleons sitting around. I’m still amazed at how awesome the house is.
I’ve been playing mostly with Candi’s character, however. I had her move into a house so expensive she couldn’t even afford to buy a fridge at first. It’s been slow building her up. I turned aging off so I could toy a little more. I haven’t decided what I’ll do with her. Maybe I’ll have her marry a big black man. I love when white chicks have black babies. It amuses me.
Lauren said she’d post pictures if I posted pictures. It’s on my list of things to do. I just don’t want to get too OCD about needing to screenshot EVERYTHING, because that seriously slows down gameplay. Plus deciding what screenshots to use, then uploading them, then captioning… it takes a bit of time!
- NROL, Fat Loss II
Day A, Workout III
Rest: 60 sec between exercises
Alternating Sets
BB Front Squat: 3×12 @ 85 lb (+10 lbs)
T-Bar Row: 12, 12, 10 @ 90 lbs
Alternating Sets
Supine Hip Extension with Leg Curl: 3×12 @ BW
BB Push Press: 3×12 @ 75 lbs (+10 lbs)
Alternating Sets
DB Dynamic Lunges: 3×12 @ 20 lbs (+5 lbs)
Upper Body Russian Twist: 3×12 @ BW
Metabolic Overdrive: 4 rounds on elliptical (1 minute hard, 2 minutes recovery)
It’s not that this workout is easy, it’s almost as if my body has adapted to the stresses. It’s going to get a lot harder, I know. My quads burned a little on the last set of front squats, but I never felt completely out of breath. I can recover in 60 seconds. I think I’ll keep the rows at 90 lbs when I increase the weight, as my form was starting to slack towards the end.
Push presses were taxing, and while I’m always gasping for air a little afterwards, I just didn’t feel completely destroyed. I know it’ll get harder. I’ll increase to 85 lbs next workout.
And. While I thought the lunges would be the death of me, I noticed my lungs weren’t gasping for air. It actually felt hardest in the first set. I could deal with the leg fatigue. It’s weird, lunges usually throw me out of breath, but I was actually holding a steady breathing pattern for once. Damn it, this means I’ll need to increase the weight again.
Same kind of thing with the high intensity intervals. I tend to go not balls-to-the-wall on the first interval, because I want push myself hardest in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th intervals. I mean, I go hard, just not an all-out effort. My thinking is that a hard effort early on is a level that at the end IS an all-out effort. Based on the elliptical readout, a hard push typically is over 90 RPMs, and when I’m pushing myself to the max, it’s over 100 RPMs. I typically hit a wall where my body wants to stop, but it’s been coming progressly later and later. Weird. I’ve been doing this kind of training because of the supposed EPOC. (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption. Basically means how your body uses anaerobic subtrates before the aerobic systems can kick in, and then your body “makes up” for this after exercise with excessive oxygen consumption. Think of how you’re still panting after you’ve run a mile. You’re not exercising, but you still need energy. Since this training isn’t really aerobic at all, it creates a MASSIVE oxygen debt. Which is why you read articles about how a hard bout of intervals can burn more calories than steady-state cardio.) Anyway, it never occurred to me that I might actually adapt to the training and get BETTER at it. Maybe it’ll be more difficult next time. If it isn’t, that just means I need to push myself even harder.
Of course, I won’t get cocky. I think I just had a really good workout and I should respect it at that. Looking forward to tomorrow’s jog, and Monday’s well-deserved day off with Candi.
I was thinking I might need a nap after my workout, but I seriously feel great. Maybe I’ll lay down anyway before work. Naps are good for you.
RYN: Really? Maybe it’s just a mental thing. If I take more than a few weeks off from running I notice a difference. At the very least I’m sore the next day! It can be really hard not to focus on speed, especially when you do races. The results are posted in “age groups” and you see where you stand against others your age. It always bothers me to see that I always fall into the lowerhalf of the results page. One thing I will say about racing though, even if you’re just looking to cover the distance you do have extra incentive to get it done. You just naturally compete with others (or at least I do). At this point, my endurance is strong enough to carry me through about two and a half hours of running. Beyond that, I wouldn’t stand much of a chance. 🙂
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I have never been good at taking pictures while simming. And the picture function in the game blows, in my opinion.
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Im not a big fan of screenplaying whilst playing sims however I may give it a try when sims 3 comes out! 😀
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I miss the Diddleys. It’s been a while. So what burns more calories, hiit, or steady state? Venuto says that because you can do it for longer periods of time, overall you can burn more with ssc. With the c25k intervals, I tend to sprint for part of the run, then walk. I’m able to keep that up for 45 mins or so.
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ryn: My question should have read “have you considered Venuto’s logic on the ssc vs hiit, and do you agree with what he has to say?”
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