Lifting for 4-23-9

Played some Sims in the morning before I left. I relaxed and chilled out. No pressure, no hurry. I kind of left later than I would have otherwise because I thought Candi would need extra time at the Berry of Lies. It’s not so much I can’t chill out in the library. I just didn’t want to get hungry.

    NROL, Fat Loss II
    Day B, Workout II

    Rest: 60 sec between exercises

    Alternating Sets
    Snatch-grip Deadlift: 3×12 @ 135 lb
    T-Push-up: 3×7 @ 20 lbs

    Alternating Sets
    Bulgarian Split Squat with Overhead Press: 2×12 @ 10 lbs; 12 @ BW
    Neutral Grip Lat Pull: 12, 8 @ 130 lbs; 8 @ 120 lbs

    Alternating Sets
    RDL with Row: 3×12 @ 80 lbs
    Lower Body Russian Twist: 3×12 @ BW

    Metabolic Overdrive: 4 rounds on elliptical (1 minute hard, 2 minutes recovery)

I don’t know why I thought this would be easy. Snatch grip deadlifts were actually easy, though partly due to the decreased load. One, I didn’t want my grip to give out. Two, I didn’t want my form to go to crap. Three, the increased range of motion makes it harder. Something unexpected actually happened. I kept having to shrug the weight while lifting in order to avoid nailing myself right in the testicles. Must be the new gym shorts I have. I can’t recall ever worrying about nailing myself in the testicles with the bar when I’ve snatch grip deadlifted before.

The t-push-ups weren’t so much row limiting as they were push-up limiting. I can knock out maybe 20 in one set, but something about stablizing yourself while you’re rowing really made those push-ups harder. Maybe I’ll get better at the movement and improve. The movement took a LOT out of me.

Bulgarian split squats are pain. First leg of each set usually isn’t so bad. It’s when I switched legs that my back leg is set afire with a blaze of lactic acid pain. Ow, ow, ow. I was so utterly winded after each set. I think it really effected my lat pulldowns, as I just couldn’t lift what I normally could.

I’ve done RDL rows fresh. I wasn’t fresh in this case, and I should have factored that in. I could row the weight, I was just so damn tired that I had to tell my fatigued muscles to keep moving. The lower body russian twist was… interesting. I definitely felt it in my obliques. But also in my hip abductors as I was lifting my legs back to neutral. I held my legs bent, as I figured I wouldn’t be strong to jump into the straight legged version.

I was so blasted after the last set of russian twists. I laid on the floor and had to tell myself (like in the beginning of the Matrix) “Get up. Get. Up.” I walk around the track facilitated venous return and my senses slowly returned to me. Of course, I still had a date with an elliptical.

Lactic acid in my quads. I’m not sure what else to say about that. I feel like death after each interval, but I recover sufficently during the 2 minute recovery periods afterwards. And ss always, after my cooldown stretching, my heartrate quickly returned to normal, and there wasn’t a drop of sweat on me. Man, I love being in shape.

I think the girlfriend wants free Taco Bell for dinner. Well overdue. I’m not sure if I want anything from there. You tired of it quickly when you eat for free every time you’re there.

Oh. And only a single application to DateATimmy. Don’t think she’ll mind if she wins, though competition is healthy. Maybe I just won’t have a contest next year.

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April 23, 2009

Sometimes it’s hard for me to motivate and excersice too

awww, no applications? i was gonna do one, but it feels weird when you’re already dating someone. oddly, the fact that i’m MARRIED didn’t seem to enter into the discomfort…


April 23, 2009

Heh, I have my application saved somewhere. I started it and just ventured off. I think all I have left is the short story. I’ll bang it out sometime between 2-5 AM. =]