Lifting for 2-23-11

    Starting Strength
    Week IX, Day B, Workout XXIV

    5 @ 45 lbs, 4 @ 95 lbs, 3 @ 135 lbs, 2 @ 185 lbs
    3×5 @ 215 lbs

    Overhead Press:
    5 @ 45 lbs, 4 @ 65 lbs, 3 @ 85 lbs
    5, 5, 5 @ 100 lbs

    Power Clean
    3 @ 95 lbs
    5×3 @ 140 lbs (+5 lbs)

    9, 6, 4 @ BW

    difficulty: medium

    weight: 168.6 lbs

Cues for squat were finding a neutral spot on the ground to look at, and reversing direction when I felt my thighs touch my calves. Talk about spatial intelligence. I just felt more “set” when I used this cue, rather than just guessing how deep is deep enough. Felt it all in my glutes and hammies. Felt great, and didn’t doubt myself at all.

Added another warm-up set for press. Work sets felt solid.

Power cleans were probably sloppy at some point, but I was never at any risk of not racking the weight on my shoulders. My catch position needs work, I need to remember to get under the bar as it hits its peak upward.

Chins sucked.

Weight on the scale indicates a gain, but I still feel that I need to keep up on my food intake. Should hit minimum 170 by the end of March. MINIMUM. I had solid eating through Monday and yesterday, and it definitely helped my workout today.

Concurrently, this was my 24th workout, which would be the number of workouts that would take up two months (if I hadn’t missed any workouts.) This is the cusp where I need to keep at it. On paper, it looks like my progression is crap. I think here is right where I need to stick with it. Here is where I’m at the cusp of my strength curve, and using weights I’ve never used before. If I can stick with this for two or three, maybe four more months, then I’ll really know where this can take me. It’s slow, but I’m making progress. Gotta stick with it. Stay the course.

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February 23, 2011

Go for it man, sharpen your-bad-self.

Yep. Hang in there. 🙂 Ryn: “You can’t just stand up to bullies.”? Why the hell not? If anyone tries to bully me I _will_ stand up to them no matter what. They deserve that. Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones at others. Most often, bullies have complex psychological problems and standing up to them seems to be the best way out (besides solving those psychological problems).

Ryn: Indian names are awesome. 😀 Yep, you’re partly right about the partition of India. It all started with the various rebellions all over India that shook the British empire. So Lord Curzon adopted the policy of “divide and rule” and partitioned the Bengal region into India and East Pakistan and the Sindh region into India and West Pakistan. Later, East Pakistan became Bangladesh and …

… West Pakistan dropped the ‘West’. People were very infuriated. But his plan worked- the Muslims and the Hindus that once lived in absolute harmony ended up hating each other. This could have been undone after Independence in 1947 but every effort went vain. Jawaharlal Nehru & Mohammad Ali Jinnah became the Prime Ministers of two different countries.Pakistan & India as we know it were created.

Plus, how can you not differentiate between Indians and Pakistanis? Lol. I can find a few differences but I like to think that our countries are similar. I want Pakistan and India to become one again.