It was that good.

Somebody asked about Angel today. *smirks* And I was reminded.

Regardless of everything else, she has a nice pussy. The fact that she shaved her labia completely messed with my perception of pussy for a long time. “Wait, just how much hair grows there naturally, and to what point?” All I felt on Angel was a lot of wetness and some slick and smooth skin. I don’t pity guys who can’t find the clit, I make fun of them. It’s right there! *laughs*

I like to think I don’t talk about Angel much anymore. Sure, she’ll come up if anybody askes about her. But I can gloss over her far faster than I used to. Funny how that works. Those events are a part of my life, I’ll always remember. And that’s why I might as well forget, no point in stabbing myself repeatedly.

Timmy (10:16:22 PM): That friday, October 1, 1999, was one of the best emotional highs of my life.
Timmy (10:16:34 PM): And ever since, I’ve been trying to get it back.

I don’t think Cliff quite understands why I want to stay away from girls. Or maybe he does. I want to stay away because I know it won’t be as good. I’ll be constantly disappointed. But he is right that by plunging forth and dating any ol` girl, any pain or insecurity I’ve had will slowly melt away. He says I am an open wound. I’m still not quite sure what he means by that.

I think he knows all too well how to get me to remember things, given my horrible memory. He knows the meanings and implications of the things he says to me. He’s been internetless for two or three months now. Aside from Winter Break,I’ve only seen him two weekends ago. That is to say, despite his absence, I mention his wisdom a lot.

*nods solemnly*

I should study before it gets too late.

(And no, I’m not going to explain myself. You either know, or you don’t know. That’s all I felt like saying. Move along.)

Log in to write a note

But, Timsta, we want details about something you have covered fifty million times already! Please, b/c I’m too stupid to go back and just read if I want to know the shit! PLEASE! Also…You are like, god, or something. You are sooo awesome, and I’d so do you, even though I don’t even know you, blagh, blagh, blagh. Actually. I’m just bored, and amusing myself by acting like a total reject.

That’s how I shave!! And a lot of hair grows there … shaving can be very time consuming and involves much lurrve to the pussy!!!! *giggles*

Damnit, I don’t know 😛 Somehow, I’ll get over it. I suppose.


i havent had a chance, yet, to really read your diaries, so to speak; however, between fight club and religious commentary, you have piqued my curiosity…