I like snuggles!

I forgot it felt like this. Oh sure, I know it feels good to like a girl. Who can forget?

Just. Calm. Not a high or a low, just calm. We forget how important human contact is. Something as simple as holding her against me feels divine. Girl-crazy? Perhaps, but I think I’m allowed to enjoy it. What’s the alternative, chastize myself for liking a girl? *smirks*

Those that follow my Day In A Life will be in for a treat, as I took some pictures. That’ll be up sometime tomorrow, as it takes time to process everything, and for it to be approved. ..Plus today isn’t over. I was surprised that Colleen didn’t fight me with the camera. Last time I had a camera, she wasn’t too pleased. We were outside initially, so I got some good shots of Ashley, as well as Colleen. Got a good shot of Ashley and I. *nodnod*

My afternoon reprieve, as I planned. I knew my stress would be relieved as deadlines passed. I was right. I planned to enjoy my afternoon with her. At one point, she had her head down on the concrete table, my head resting somewhere on her pre-sunburned shoulder, arms around here. We were talking quietly. I had the awareness of just how awesome that moment was. I like little things like that.

After class, I went looking for her and found her in the café, again with Colleen. She thinks we look cute together. On a more comfortable sitting fixture, I found myself slathering her with affection. Snuggles, carassing, head-rubs, gazing, and kisses on the side of her face. I hope I don’t spoil her too much, it’s a high level of affection to maintain. I’m sure I’ll calm down eventually.

More plusses. She doesn’t wear perfume. As I suspected, she wears minimal make-up. She’s not a foot-person, and neither am I. She doesn’t do anal, which I doesn’t effect me. I’m not interested in bum-boinking – unless it’s my bum. As I said to her, “I’ll worry about the Orgasm before I worry about the anus.” That’s a task nobody’s succeeded at, but I’m hardly intimidated. I’m patient. Definitely will teach me to put my ego aside.

I just like talking to Ashley. Sounds rather silly, but that’s mostly what people do when they get together. They sit around talking. Sometimes silly, sometimes serious, sometimes concealed, and sometimes obvious.

Colleen tends to tease me. I don’t entirely mind, it’s her way. But she gets to me sometimes. I don’t remember what she said, it isn’t important, but it must have hit a nerve. I was visibly offended, as I tend to be physically expressive. She apologied, though I didn’t believe her at first. I know she’s perceptive, so I know she’d sense when she actually hit a nerve. I tend to act comedically if she makes fun of me, rather than actually express hurt, as I know she doesn’t mean anything by it. We’ll see whether she makes good on her word.

Ashley had decided to “nap” on my lap. Her head on my lap, eyes closed, I admired her. Okay, I admire her a lot. I couldn’t help but think to myself, “This girl’s attracted to me?” I know I’m cute. It’s probably just New Relationship Energy, getting used to… Well, getting used to whatever’s going to happen.

Maybe I haven’t felt like this in a long time. But it’s more than that. So far, I like her personality, I like how we mesh. I’d have to do some serious digging to remember the last time I liked a girl my own age, who I met in school, have seen outside of school, and isn’t a psychopath. How about never? So I let myself smile, I let myself get excited. ..Just a little. I know how emotional I get. I think as long as I keep perspective with everything else in my life (and boy, there’s a lot), I’ll be okay.

Though if you know anything about me, there’s nothing “little” about my writing style. : D Now if you’ll excuse me, I know there’s homework I need to tend to. I will not be defeated!

And sorry to disappoint anyone, but I seriously don’t have time to post the conclusion to DateATimmy V right now. There will be a winner. Just. Be patient.

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May 1, 2006

Totally without baited breath on the Date a Timmy thing. Enjoy yourself already! Fuhgetaboutit! Pictures of the two of you…that’s something I’d check into DITL for…

May 1, 2006

😀 <— Timmy after seeing Ashley!

*broad smile* I’m so glad things are going so well with you and her. Rose

May 1, 2006

ryn: Would you care to expand on that comment?

May 2, 2006

ryn: You’re very right. Dr.’s deny any chance of them having a negative affect on children, and when children do have a reaction that ends in learning disabilities, autism, seizures or “SIDS”, they write it off an a coincidence.

This entry made me smile. 🙂