I just don’t know what to do with myself.
I’m trying to give myself a chance. Don’t stay up too late. Get up early-ish. Maintain some good habits. Eat. Eat. Eat some more.
I don’t even remember when finals ended.
It feels like finding a job gets worse each time. I either shut down, or dumb luck saves me. Dumb luck has saved me two out of the three times. My luck is up.
Even trying to write it out, so I can later observe myself, is difficult.
I seem to have a model in my head of how other people do things, even though that model is not grounded at all. I can’t try to be like other people, I have to find what works best for me.
I managed to look through yesterday’s classifieds. It’s a sense of relief to be able to say I did it. I don’t do well indoors. So, logically, I should be outdoors. I run into problems because there’s nowhere to go. But that’s an assumption. I can move ten feet and sit outside on a wooden bench, and my emotional make-up changes drastically. To help give myself a chance, I ate a chicken salad sandwich. I do good if I multi-task an unpleasant activity with food.
(Third meal of the day @ 2 PM, go me.)
The whole drive-around approach was never effective much with me. After all, there’s plenty of jobs that most people wouldn’t see. Beats me how I’d find them.
I think part of it is that this is a reflection of my life. Staring a the classifieds now is no different than staring at the classifies in seven months. I’ll be just as blank. “Okay, now what do I do?”
I try to put a positive spin on it. I remind myself, “Hey, that means your options are pretty much open!” Trying to sell myself a positive mood like a used car salesman. You get a chuckle out of it, but are otherwise not entirely convinced.
I think I need to put that aside for now, and try an employment-related move tomorrow. I’ve noticed that my room has fallen into disarray – again. Shouldn’t take that long to clean up, but still, I hate cleaning my room. THERE’S NO ROOM. Time to suck.
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I got my job by going into the store and asking for an application. Couldnt get the better one because its required you be 19, but its like 45,000 a year. Not bad, not bad. Pull a Nike and Just do it!
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I taught swim lessons and lifeguarded at your age, good pay for pretty easy and fun (outside!) work.
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yeah, I’m in the same boat as you…and the dumb luck thing I believe applies to most of the population, unfortunately…woo Being outside is good…a chance to clear the brains.
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The job thing is sucking for me right now too.
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*hug* Rose
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Steps to finding a job: 1. Look at classifieds, either online or in the papers. Highlight the ones that might work for you. 2. Put together a resume. If you need help with this, ASK ME. You can also do a search for resumes online and use them as a model. You have experience at this point. You need a resume to prove it. 3. Mail or fax the resume to the places you highlighted. You can
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also include a cover letter, but it’s not necessary. A lot of the job ads will specify what they want you to do– either mail the resume, or come in with a resume and fill out an application. Then, you wait a couple days, and start making calls. “Hi, this is Tim Sitara, I sent in my resume/application a few days ago and I just wanted to see if you guys got it alright.” Let them know you’re
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interested. Then be persistent. Call back a few days later if you haven’t heard from them. Eventually, if you apply to enough places, you’ll get an interview, and then a job. You say you’d like to be outdoors. Maybe you could do lifeguarding, or work at a wildnerness summer camp. Maybe you could be a camp counselor. Maybe you could do mental health work. It’s entirely up to you, and whether
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you have experience in those areas isn’t necessarily important. If you think of a job you’re particularly interested in, you could look up places online (for example, when I decided I wanted to work in mental health, I looked up residential treatment centers in my area), then call and see if they’re hiring/taking applications. Sometimes a call is all you need. Bottom line is, Tim, it’s
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not as complicated or scary as you think it is. Don’t let this overwhelm you. It’s a basic skill that you just happen to have not been taught. If you need help, ask for it. Other than that, I’m kind of keeping a low profile right now. You can do this. You know you can do this. If you are really in dire straights, you’ll come to me- but until then, it’s up to you to figure out what happens now.
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As always, I love you.
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I’m kinda feeling the same way. I keep checking everywhere online I can think of to find job openings. Other than that, I don’t know what else to do, and nobody seems to have anything open that’s acceptable, that I can do and might like and pays well, something that’s a step up from here.
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Cleaning anything sucks. Especially bedrooms and bathrooms. Good luck with that. 🙂 RYN: I had the bathroom door closed the entire time I was gone. That’s why I’m more worried than anything else. The more I think about it, the more angry I get. Luckily, Oscar seems to be fine. Otherwise, I would be predicting a pretty unpleasant argument later today.
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