I Get Notes, Apparently.
3000th Note:
Be Honest.
That beard is just….pretty hot and tempting…oooh yeah. [A Slice Of Smacky] 5/24/2003 3:00:51 AM
Some more notes:
Timmy…I know you like smooth, freshly shaved legs and all…..but don’t go jerking off on mine! Especially when I have to go out in a while!!
I need a towel. Its dripping down my leg. Sheesh. I can’t go out like this.
*shakes her head*
What are we going to do with you??
You’ve left your cum all over the OD! [Woman in Blue]
4/11/2003 5:15:36 PM
The No-Bullshit Policy
What, exactly, is a “cuntful”? 8 ounces? 1000mL? Some kind of engineering unit?
We really want to know.
4/15/2003 10:13:44 AM
The No-Bullshit Policy It seems like just yesterday you hit the big 1-0-0-0 … *sigh* … boy, they grow up fast these days, hmm?
The Second Annual
Who Wants To Date A Timmy?
Dude, you look about 16 years old.
Well…except for the beard. Umm..I have like no facial hair. It kicks some ass. I hope my hormones don’t jump in and decide that I need to start sprouting some.
It’s funny that I don’t, because people usually tell me that I look older than what I am.
It makes me laugh. [dawgpound]
4/16/2003 12:36:52 PM
Red Tulip
I think…this is the best entry you’ve ever written. No wonder I like you so much. (: [MistressGreenie] 4/18/2003 6:36:24 PM
Kinky Diary Master Discusses Sheriff Plan
I don’t see what’s so bad about running around naked while screaming HOTGAYSEX!
But you know me . .
4/20/2003 11:54:08 AM
Kinky Diary Master Discusses Sheriff Plan
Actually, Optimus Prime is the now legal name of a US soldier currently serving in Iraq. So technically he exists, and in a state that would allow him to take on a Sherriff roll. However, he would not be able to call upon the wisdom contained within the autobot Matrix to guide his decisions. Just FYI. [Serin] 4/20/2003 1:59:42 PM
Kinky Diary Master Discusses Sheriff Plan
But Timmy… you’re already infecting people and making them run around and scream HOTGAYSEX so we might as well let you be the fucking Sheriff I’ll start a petition. [Kodak Facade] 4/21/2003 10:27:27 AM
you think a lot don’t you? [~Starlight~Whispers~] 4/22/2003 2:00:58 AM
Yay for Fat People!
after reading this entry…I think you are the nicest man on earth… MARRRY ME!!! =D [Plain (J) Me] 4/22/2003 11:09:17 AM
Study Details Benefits of Castration
RYN: Damn straight I have good taste in porn! [DM2PM] 4/23/2003 9:07:12 PM
I’m not a man, I’m a Timmy.
I love when you underestimate your audience. I know I wasn’t the only reader that GOT THAT. We’re smarter than you think, Tim.
4/24/2003 2:04:59 PM
Hearts and Thoughts They Fade, Fade Away…
“Oh. And I should mention that I got sex.”
I stopped reading there. My eyes bulged, my jaw dropped . . . all these things started running through my mind.
Then I continued reading.
*kicks you*
You had me scared!
4/26/2003 10:14:54 AM
The Aura.
For girls its slightly different to be naked and unconscious. Its kind of scary sometimes. If you’re on the street, I mean.
Or . . skreet. Y’know, to be less wangsta.
4/27/2003 1:39:47 PM
The Aura.
4/27/2003 1:43:52 PM
Bush Authorizes Use of ‘Dumb Bombs’.
Do you write this stuff? If so, you need to work for “The Onion”. [supergirl20] 4/28/2003 9:53:16 AM
Bush Taps Saddam For Homeland Security
ryn-you probably could write for the onion but i see you more as having a smoking gun or darwinism site for politicians or porn stars. [The Naked Truth] 4/30/2003 10:37:55 PM
If I didn’t tell you this, you wouldn’t know.
You’re so cute when you talk about Hairbrush [Kodak Facade] 5/3/2003 11:50:07 PM
That’s a promise.
I’ve had two boyfriends break up with me that way. TWO! Out of FOUR!
You tell ’em! [Dolor Angelicus]
5/4/2003 5:20:47 PM
I Disappear.
There’s more BIGGAYDAN to come?
*banging my head against the wall*
5/5/2003 1:51:57 PM
My Sexual Fantasies.
this one got a chuckle out of me I must say although….you are in need my friend! In need of some female to show you around, let you play a bit, such fantasies and yet no action….a disapointment to hear…I think most girls want a guy who treats them well, makes things even…good entry though 🙂 [Soulshine] 5/6/2003 1:25:44 AM
My Sexual Fantasies.
Oh my Timmy, the things I could do with you .. controlling little sissy sluts is a specialty… 😉 The truth is from my experience… most men have these same fantasies… at least the boys I talk to do. [cheesecake] 5/6/2003 4:23:39 AM
My Sexual Fantasies.
interesting that an old entry is on rc.. but to whoever resuscitated it, thank you.
very very good read. haha very.. [Ahzzie]
5/6/2003 12:25:23 PM
If I Started a Cult, Would You Join?
I respect you as ‘Dictator of OD’.
Rock on. [ShadowKat]
5/9/2003 11:25:09 PM
If I Started a Cult, Would You Join?
This hasn’t got quite the response I expected.
5/10/2003 2:11:01 AM
If I Started a Cult, Would You Join?
i’m all about worshipping my vagina. in fact, i’m doing it right now. [not me.] 5/10/2003 5:04:44 PM
I Feel Anger.
Oh, I totally agree. I was un-circumcized until I was 11, and then I was given the option to become circumsized. I have regretted that ever since. If I knew then what I know now…
5/12/2003 11:33:31 AM
My Final Hour.
i always have to remind my friends that always run to me about relationship problems “communication is key.” and they STILL dont get it. it’s always a problem with communication. if they didnt have a problem communicating, they wouldnt have a problem, period. and that’s the only time mikhail and i ever have problems, is when i dont communicate to him what i’m feeling or why i’m feeling it. [ShatteredSoul] 5/15/2003 5:52:13 PM
My Final Hour.
I love how the only thing you’re never cynical about is the possibility of falling in love. Everyone should be that way.
5/15/2003 7:53:42 PM
I liked the way my hand fit on your head.
Wow.. Timmy… With a girl?!
No offense man, but I always figured you’d go gay like BIGGAYDAN. Y’know, with all that shoving random stuff up your ass.
Anyways, if you like her that much, she’s gotta be wonderful. So I stand by you 100%. [General Disk Error]
5/20/2003 7:20:52 PM
BIGGAYDAN Saves The World.
You know he really likes the gerbil idea. [Greenie] 5/22/2003 3:16:48 PM
Wow, there’s so many notes I never got around to returning. : (
I would say that you don’t return notes because you are EXCESSIVELYGAY, but i nthis case, I think Bambi is taking up all of your available time…
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Ooo, I loved all of those. Especially the ones that have [Kelly] at the end of them! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA . . . I crack myself up. 🙂
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I’m glad I’m a lurker. I always leave idiot notes.
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Bambi still freaks me out, Tim. Like…seriously
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Dude, I made the Notes Wall of Fame! I’m honored. Really.
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ok bambi has HUGE lippy things
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I’m beyond flattered. I do think I’ve left better notes than that though. 🙂
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