I am not a failure.
I am so fucking frustrating. It’s like a fucking anxiety attack due to having an anxiety attack. Arg. Ugh. Uph.
I had the book on my lap. I managed to get myself to open it.
Turn the page.
I couldn’t.
Turn the page.
I couldn’t.
Turn the page.
I couldn’t.
Turn the page.
I couldn’t.
I noticed my pulse had quickened. Over a fucking book. Who acts so stupid? And thus I further my emotional masochism.
Turn the page.
I checked my notes where I had what page the homework was on. I managed to get myself to turn the page closer. I examined the page, talking about dot products.
I can’t do this.
What. The. Fuck. I am so fucking sick of this. So. Fucking. Sick. Of. This. And no, it’s not as simple as fucking snapping out of it. If it were, I would have snapped out of it years ago.
Why do I have no confidence in myself? I mean, seriously, there’s no need for this.
Yet, there I was, terrified of starting my homework. I couldn’t turn the page. I threw the book away from me, threw my glasses off, and rubbed my face.
Fucking mountain out of a molehill.
I just can’t win. I try thinking about parsing everything I need to do into small neat little blocks. Then I can’t even do those little things. I can’t start. I’m terrified. I used to say to the world how I didn’t care about school. But that’s because I care more than you. If I don’t do my homework, well shit, I might as well kill myself. Life’s over.
What the fuck.
I lose focus over why I’m doing this shit so easily. WHY AM I TAKING THIS CLASS. Ugh. Yet I don’t really care about any of my other classes. I could so easily just not go. But isn’t this my last chance? OH GOD, LAST CHANCE! CAN’T FUCK UP! GAME OVER, MAN!
What the fuck. I don’t need this.
This has nothing to do with anybody else. This is not failing Alex by not improving. This is not disappointing my parents. This is not a lack of love. Whatever it is, it’s in me, and it won’t go away.
Aren’t you supposed to feel some sense of accomplishment after you do something? That’s what I’ve been told.
It’s very rare that I feel good about anything I do.
What the fuck.
It’s no wonder I have no desire to do that homework. There’s nothing to gain.
What the fuck.
I hate this cycle of having to drag myself down into the mud over and over again. Fucking inner critic. Fuck. I drag myself lower and lower. Sometimes I think I’m fed up and I’ll go do stuff. But then I realize I need to be even lower still.
Why can’t it be like other things? I don’t give a second thought to checking my email, or resizing 200 images in photoshop. Why can’t I just fucking do it and be done with it?
What the fuck.
If I can’t rely on my ability to believe in myself, then .. I’ll have to rely on the only thing I am sure of. That other people believe in me.
I called Alex and started leaving a message. In the middle, I heard that beep that means you’re getting a call. Could it be for me? I switched over. …I swear, sometimes my friends just have intuition. I talked to Ashley for a bit – then heard the beep again. Could it be? It was Alex – I told her I was covered and went back to Ashley. I figured I’d give her fair time some other time. Ashley was really saying some good things to me, but I knew I’d fail to remember most of it. All I remember is the phrase Be the ninja. …*laughs* Sounds like a Cliffism.
Oh. Something that really hit me was how I never notice all the little good things I do. I take everything I do for granted. Like I was running a ton of pictures through photoshop. I decided it would take less time if I bothered to use the keyboard commands. So I did. And it did save me type as I got the hang of hitting alt-i-i-1280-enter-ctrl-w-enter-enter-repeat. *smiles* Why do I overlooked that? Why do I downplay so many things I’m good at? So many things I DO do?
I ate.
Put on some Led Zeppelin. Nearly cried to Stairway to Heaven. Not just any version. It’s the live version on How The West Was Won.
I ended up going back to my Calc book and doing two problems. And by “doing”, I mean looking them over, writing a few things down, and more or less deciding how I would do the problem, without writing out the complete answer. This is my method of doing half the homework at a time, so I don’t stress myself out. Unfortunately, the third problem I hadn’t a clue how to do, so I literally threw the book away from it.
“Skip it.” Always a good strategy. I’d been wanting to call Alex back, so I did. I did so with a tinge of nervousness. I chuckled to myself, I’m asking for help. How would I explain what was wrong, I thought. Thankfully, I have a bit more trust in Alex than that. She’ll know.
It was the voice I needed. Maybe it’s just not your day, give yourself the day off. Sometimes that occurs to me. Yet it didn’t, today. It felt so all-or-none. I hate that feeling.
You’re not a failure.
It’s so comforting to have her reach into my mind and know exactly what’s going on. I need to make her a friggin medal. *laughs* I guess I wonder where people get the strength, sometimes. The willpower. I know why. I don’t see my own when I use it.
I’m glad you called me.
She mentioned the phrase self-affirmation. There’s been so much text sent between us, I’m sure she’s mentioned it at some point. I just don’t quite remember what you’re supposed to do. So I’ll improvise. Once a day, I’ll write something I’m good at, or like about something. Not nearly as high and mighty as the Self-worth list, which still has one thing on it.
You’re going to be okay.
She suggested making a list of things to do. I told her if I do that, I end up not starting the list, and doing something completely different. *laughs*
I need to review some of the things we talked about last December. I thought I was getting better at separating which thoughts are mine, and which ones aren’t. I did it then, and I’m sure I can do it now.
I owe Carolyn an apology for running out on her. She was making me feel bad, so I signed off. Thing is. She was telling me I could do it. She was telling me I could do anything I want.
I took a walk around the pond across the way. I stopped to stare at the moon, bright and UV-free. I am a bit stir-crazy in here. It’s like the dorm all over again. A hermit. Tomorrow’s a new day, as it always is. Tomorrow’s a new day.
You are not a failure bebe. If you can’t do it then stop, do something else, and try again later. Don’t beat yourself to a pulp over it.
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okay, I read you now and again, and I just feel the need to step up with my little life story here. I HATED school. HATED IT. and when I first started rutgers september of 2000, I just never went to class. not cause I was out drinking and having a good time, but because I was so afraid to fail. if you never apply yourself, then you can never really fail, right? so I f*cked around freshman year,
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and passed maybe one class for the entire year. sophomore year I did more, but not much, and I was dismissed after that. I went to my county college for a year, and still didn’t really apply myself, but I realized then how much I was only hurting myself by doing what I was doing. so I went back to rutgers in fall of 2003, went through more sh*t than I can detail in a note (dismissed a second time
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had to write an appeal and wait three months over the summer (while taking 12 credits) to find out if my appeal was accepted, other ru screw bullsh*t that made me angrier than you can possibly know, including being told approximately six weeks before graduation that I was not, in fact, done with my minor reqs)…and it all sucked, and it was hard and frustrating, but I graduated in may finally.
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thing is, for as hard as it is, and how frustrating it is, and for how many times I wanted to hijack a nuke and blow up that goddamn school, that degree means so much to me now, BECAUSE of all that I went through. I learned along the way that these classes, no matter the subject matter, nothing is HARD, you just have to want to f*ck the school harder than they’re f*cking you. you’re better than
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any of the stupid shit they can throw at you. you’re smarter than the idiots at any school you guy to, if you just WANT to do it. there are no problems on homework you can’t beat. you’re not stupid, you can do it, you just have to stop worrying about failing and just DO IT. because the only way you’re failing, at this point, is by the obstacles you’re putting up for yourself. and it’s not worth
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it, at all. and you’ll realize that more the older you get. I don’t know if any of this makes any sense, but I have seen some of my experiences in what you’re going through, and I just want you to know…you CAN stop making it hard on yourself, and you can kick ass and get your degree and say ‘f*ck you’ to whatever school. now I’m going to shut up.
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*hugs* You can always, always get in touch with me when you need a bit of a boost. It doesn’t mean you’re weak. It doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you. It just means that you have friends who love you- that’s all. One task at a time, one day at a time. Right now, this is about developing a strategy that works for you. Give it time, and be patient with yourself. It *will* be ok.
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we all think you’re wonderful. except karma girl, who thinks you’re an idiot for choosing hanson over bette midler. oh timmy, i heart you. you’re wonderfluff.
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i don’t know if this is something you’d consider at all, but ever thought of hopping over to the counseling/advising building of your college and being like, “look, i’m having this issue… is there anyone you could recommend that might be able to help me through it?” there is the distinct possibility that you have a learning disorder. and they CAN be overcome.
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You are NOT a failure by any means. *hugs*
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Have you ever taken anxiety medication?
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The thing, too, is that while you’re not a failure, it’s also true that if you happen to mess something up, it’s not the end of the world. You can always go back and try again. If you do really badly on one assignment, you can always balance it out by doing better next time. If you fail a class, you can always retake it or try something different.
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Yeah. I do the same thing. With most things in life. I feel like nothing I do is ever good enough. For me or anyone else. So why do it in the first place?
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