Here’s to picking things up and putting them down.

Going forward, I’m going to reestablish my presence at the gym. Despite a lot of heavy drinking in the past three months, I still haven’t lost a significant amount of strength. While it could be loss of muscle mass, I’ve actually lost over five pounds, putting me at a comfortable 155 lbs. Still, i look like shit and feel like shit. I got an uncomfortable pudge everybody hates of themselves, my energy levels are shot, and my resting heartrate is high. My heartrate has already fallen back since I’ve stopped feeling so stressed, but otherwise I know a good amount of cardio will drop it back under 60 BPM. Fuck “losing weight”, I think of cardio as good for the heart.

One of my biggest vices has been doing too much. My workouts get more taxing and elaborate until I eventually crash. If I keep it to three big exercises per workout, I should be fine. With how terribly I’ve been treating myself, “easy” workouts are still better than drinking every night. I’m thinking something like:

Squat: 5×5
BB Incline Press: 5×5
DB Row: 5×5

Lunges 4×8
DB Overhead Press 4×8
Wide-grip Lat Pull 4×8

Deadlift: 5/3/1 (or something)
Dips: 3x12ish

Cable Row: 3×12

Aaaand I’d do HIIT followed by steady-state cardio on Tuesday and Thursday.

it’s such an obvious thing, but writing about lifting gets me excited about it. It’s why people who keep logs of this stuff end up sticking to it more. Yesterday was my first workout in ages, so I won’t bother tracking tomorrow’s workout, whatever it ends up being. I’ll start tracking Monday. To getting my groove back!

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