Happy Holy Days!

Happy JesusDay!

Happy JewDays!

…Happy BlackDay! Have a very productive Winter Solstice! Happy end of the Gregorian calendar! Merry Festivus! Enjoy all your Non-Denominational Festivities!

(No wonder people just say Holy Days and be done with it.)

Also, a thanks to anybody who sent me a card despite the fact that I never send anything out unless it’s at complete random. I prefer meaning, not consolidated contrivances. You know, I like this picture, but the one I really like has my weiner showing. Shucks. Eh, I won’t violate Bruce’s No-Package Policy.

Oh, and if you know I love you, I still love you. : D

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December 24, 2006

oh wow. lol

December 24, 2006

cute hat. 😉

Wooo merry christmas is right,Lookin good 🙂

December 24, 2006

I love you too! Oh man, this pic totally reminds me of one I took the other night. But I promised Adrian I would never show it to anyone! 😉

December 24, 2006

Now my christmas already rocks, and I’m only an hour in. Thanks, Timmy. ^^V also, someone explain to me why the 200-character limit has become 1200. How did I miss that?

scandal! happy anotherdayoftheyear!

December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays, Timmy! And thanks for the early morning chuckle. 🙂

*holiday hugs*

Hon cute photo. All your ExerciSe appears to be working….

December 25, 2006

I *heart* that picture……very happy for Christmas morning 😉

Eh… HAHAHAHAHAHA! Nice pic! You should put that on a Christmas Card and mail it out! *wipes tear from eye*

December 25, 2006

niiicee! Merry Christmas!!!’ love, KarenJoy

Lots of hair on those legs and just a tad on your trail to happiness..Lol Happy Holidays!

December 26, 2006

When is your birthday? 😛

December 27, 2006

Happy Christmas! (What a show off!)