Genuineness is sexy.

TC writes about many varied things, but in this article, he’s spot-on. The degradation of female sexuality into an expected and exaggerated token. Treat a man like all he wants is sex. Frankly, I find this rather insulting. As a man who respects himself, I have needs far beyond the realm of sexual satisfaction or titilation. Moreover, if women complain about the bullshit guys give them, they should look at the bullshit they’re tolerating. I wrote about this. This is the essence of why I prefer women who don’t have this need to project anything, to conform so badly. I find genuineness sexy far more than an act that’s been put on before.

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Hmm. That’s probably true for most women. I pounce on men because I want to. Then there are times when I’d like to have a conversation and the dude is busy looking at my crotch wondering how he’s going to get in there. It works both ways…and sometimes, a majority of guys ARE all about schmex. Mind if I add you to my Fav’s?

Very much so. That’s why I wouldn’t be a lesbian. Women annoy the hell out of me. 😐

December 8, 2006
December 8, 2006

It’s true – but sadly a lot of women have this odd belief that they need a man, that somehow they’re not quite whole without one, and so they put up with more than they should, for fear of rocking the boat, of being alone. (…Once upon a time, when I was young and stupid, I was one of them.) Then again, blanket generalizations are, in general, dangerous in themselves. 😛

Yeah. . . Thats Admirable, Tim. . But What If She Is Genuinely A Ho? LMAO! Just Kidding. You Bring Up An Interesting Point. . . Something That Makes My Gears Turn. . . And I Like That! Woo For Thinking! 🙂

that guy writing about “women” has probably never met a real woman in his entire life.

ryn: i guess he made SOME sense, since girls like that are generally the ones that make it to your tv, beer ads whatnot. but blame that on the men who want to see them :oP

December 8, 2006

I can’t say I fully agree with his opinions. Most of the GGW things are really just older teenagers finally out of their parents’ house and finally really having the chance to rebel. Further, a lot of girls really like doing the things that he claims they’re only doing for attention, and to look sexy. And they like it for reasons OTHER than what he’s mentioned. …

December 8, 2006

… It really is just a huge blanketed stereotype on his part, and while I could agree had he argued about women in the media, or media’s effect on real women, his generalization that all women everywhere are like that is just too broad. I’m not like that, and I really don’t know any girls personally who are. Are there girls who think that Paris really would make a good role model? …

December 8, 2006

… Without a doubt. But is the problem as universal as he says it is? Of course not. Further, it isn’t America that’s losing it’s moral grounds. There’s always been that argument, no matter where you are, that “This place is going straight to hell!” Were things “cleaner” back in the day? I don’t know if I’d even agree with that. Was the dirt just less pubicized? Yeah. Yeah, it was.

December 8, 2006

And finally, yeah, I looked at the pictures of Britney sans-panties last week. But his suggestion that people who let the popularity of pop-stars extend to the internet don’t care about politics or the world at large is completely false. I do care about these things, and I care about them a hell of a lot more than I care about Britney without panties. …

December 8, 2006

… But Britney without panties can only be found on the internet, whereas political and moral ideas can be found pretty much everywhere. Today, I read USA Today, Newsweek, watched five separate news broadcasts on three different channels, and listened to NPR for a good hour … do I need to go on? But have people online seen my girly bits? Yeah. They have. And I don’t need to justify that.

December 8, 2006

It just pisses me off that there are guys who think like that really think that they’re intelligent and that in stating their supposed large, universal truth, that they’re helping the masses. It’s quite the contrary. Without really even thinking about it, hundreds of people will just blindly agree and exhault him like he’s a god.

December 8, 2006

Real women are not the women he’s writing about in his article. What’s sad is that I imagine few people will realize that, as he doesn’t even seem to have realized it himself. Paris Hilton is not a positive role model. Only a fraction of a fraction of a percent of Americans would ever even begin to think that she could be. Period.

ryn: Well, I’ve never claimed to be perfect. I know for sure that I’m never going to attain such heights with my dirty mind combined with sharp tongue. *laughs* BTW – Hot teaser pic on the front. 😛

December 9, 2006

It’s good to know there are men out there who get this.

December 11, 2006