Fauxskin Log: Six and a Half Months, Part I
Hello, hello. It’s time now, once again, for another episode of.. TIMMY’S GROWING PENIS! Today, I will be discussing my phallic progress, my feelings towards my new penis, assessment of sensitivity, and a rough gauge of how long the road is ahead of me, relative to the road that I’ve paved behind me, and how I’ll deal with no tugging in the summer..
It is as it always is. Day-to-day, I see no difference. Sometimes I wonder, “Why am I doing this? Why am I putting myself through this?” Of course, there is no real effort to this. There’s no pain. All that is required of me is the emotional fortitude to see this through. But sometimes, despite the progress I’ve made, I wonder if I’ll ever achieve my Final Goal. If I haven’t made it clear already, my Final Goal of The Great Fauxskin Experiment is to have full coverage while erect. It’s a lofty goal.
There are milestones along the way, small markers that let me know that I’m doing something about it. I don’t remember the first time I noticed the skin was rolled over on it’s own. Since I began tugging, there’s been a psychological shift in how I identify myself. While I was circumcised at birth, I can call myself that no longer. I consider myself decircumcising. And when I am done, I will be decircumcised. When I’m not tuggified, I’m always pulling my growing fauxskin over the glans. I’m far enough long where it actually stays there, to varying degrees.
Sometimes, I’ll sit here nakie, and type away. And sometimes, I’ll look down and notice that the skin is staying put of it’s own volition. I can’t describe the sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that brings me. When it does that, I might have anywhere from half to full coverage. Full coverage always gets me more excited. Of course, I take note of how much my penis is shrunken back into the body. The flaccid penis does vary in size a lot. But I remember when I started this quest, how small my penis would have to be to have that full coverage. …
I throw around the phrase “half coverage” and “full coverage”, but it’s hard to guage just how much “coverage” I have. If I have any consistent marker, it’s how much the skin naturally rolls over when I’m laying down in bed. Again, the length of a flaccid penis varies. But. When I lay down at night, I typically have at least half coverage. Sometimes 3/4 coverage. But, what the heck of 3/4 coverage man, anyway? *laughs* Sorry, self-amusement in trying to describe all of this. I know sometimes it’ll look like the glans is just “peaking” out of the fauxskin. MY TURTLENECK! By morning, the skin is usually retracted, usually due to morning wood. … For years, I used to roll the skin over my glans and lay on my stomach, when I had morning wood. If that makes any sense. I did that for years without knowing what was missing. And now I do it, knowing that someday, I won’t need to hold the skin up and over.
Another way I noticed I can gauge my progress is by how much of the shaft the foreskin remnant can take up. Well. If I achieve an erection (and I do mean achieve, these days), I’ll pull the skin down taut and notice, “Wow, I have more skin than I did before!” Supposedly, the inside of the foreskin can cover most of the length of the penis. I have a ways to go. No, I haven’t “measured” how long the foreskin remnant is. Probably shouldn’t. Though. It’s hard?
See, my circumcision scar is skewed. It’s more towards the glans on the left side, and more towards the base on the right side. I either have more foreskin remnant on one side, or more shaft skin on the other side. It’s not that drastic of a skew. But it’s skewed enough where I noticed it years ago without consciously acknowledging it.
Also, it seems I have/had more of a foreskin remnant than most guys? Or something. I forget how much I had initially, but it was at LEAST an inch when I was erect. Maybe an inch and a half, though that’s my guess for how much I have now. Eh, fuck numbers. I can just see that there’s a little bit more now. I pity guys who have only a small sliver of a foreskin remnant. I long ago noticed that the skin above the scar (foreskin remnant) was more sensitive than the skin below the scar (shaft skin).
RYN: But has your mom see you making your dorm room all “sexy”? (Note to God: Please don’t let me see my son making his dorm room sexy…) You’re right, I was totally generalizing about women. It is funny though how men being so visual see a “hot” woman and immediately think she’s great in bed. Meanwhile, they ignore the mousy girls who are bed-tigers. This is of course coming from a mousy girl
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