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on the piano? cello? how? i highly recommend symphonies 8 & 9. addictive.

December 28, 2006

I would be so ridiculously confused…

thank you, i now feel like an utter loser. so what are the benefits of swaying from qwerty?

Wow… I will be so lost if I am ever forced to use that layout. Rose

December 28, 2006

I still look at the keyboard most of the time anyway, and usually only use my index and middle fingers on each hand. I passed typing class easily, but the teacher still wanted to fail me for using my “raptor hands”

No way could I. Typing QWERTY is like ingrained in my being now. I couldn’t do something different if I wanted to.

I know geeks who swear by DVORAK. I dunno, if carpel tunnel starts here, I might consider it.

ryn: that is a myth. i cannot see how that is possible unless you’ve got a dildo in your saddle. i’ve never gotten any kind of sexual sensation from riding a horse.

ryn: it doesn’t feel any different than sitting in a chair. i have heard about the hyman-breaking horseback riding, but it never would have done that to me. penetration is a requirement for hyman breaking, unless you’re a freak of nature and have a giant hyman web over your entire crotch area. i just don’t see how it’s possible.

ryn: you are definitely on to something, here.

and pretty please delete my retard notes up there?

woo… you privated them. so now, only you and i will remember that i’m dense enough to comment without clicking the referencing links in the entry first. thanks babe.

See, when I’m bored I vacuum and scrub the sink. I guess we are different, you and I

December 29, 2006

yikes – no effin way = ) good luck with that

January 1, 2007
