Exerbabble for 5-7-6
I’ve been puzzled lately as for what to do with my workout. I’ve accepted one major problem (and solution). My workout times are far too extravegant. Flat-out, I’m working out for too long, and it’s stalling my progress. At least, that’s my judgement. I seemed to be kicking more ass when I had shorter workouts. So, my goal of the moment is to keep my workouts shorter. This may be something I will have to consistently keep an eye on, but spending 70 – 80 minutes doing compound exercises is just flat-out too much.
On the plus side, I’ve definitely been gaining weight since I made an effort to EAT MORE. Where’s the weight going, I have absolutely no idea. I can’t know body composition, but I do know the scale thinks I’m heavier.
So, I need to do less. Where will my priorities be? I have to say legs. Our bodies like to be in balance, it makes sense that it would want our small muscles to be in proportion to our bigger muscles. Therefore, I’m going to slam my gluteus maximus as much as possible. Besides, it’ll give me a nice ass. Not that I don’t already have a nice ass.
I got caught up in movement patterns, wanting to hit everything “once” per workout. Not wanting anything to be “left behind”. I don’t necessarily think I’ve been overreaching, given my adequate rest periods, but I simply don’t see serious lifters doing six compounds plus two accessories per workout. So. Less is more. Today’s workout:
- Upright Row: 4×6 @ 65 lbs
Decline Press: 4×6 @ 105 lbs
Front Squat: 3×8 @ 95 lbs
Good Morning: 3×10 @ 45 lbs
Leg Raise: 3×8 @ bw
Seated Calf Raise: 3×8 @ 100 (+70 lbs)
Reverse Flies: 3×8 @ 5 lbs
current bodyweight: 144.2 lbs (+1.2 lbs; weekly average of 143.5 lbs)
I checked my exerbabbles for the one time I did upright rows. I did 3×8 @ 55 lbs. Assuming that I’m stronger than then, I added ten pounds. *smiles* It’s an odd feeling lift, but nothing strenuous. I mean, shit, it’s only 65 lbs
Declining felt okay. Will try for 5×5 @ 110 next time.
Front Squat, I need to look up hand position. I think I had it right, bar resting mostly on my deltoids/chest, with my hands back in a rather uncomfortable position. Supposely it takes a bit for your hands to get used to it. Eeeek. I didn’t know whether my hands were supposed to be outside my elbows, but if I moved them in more, then my hands would be resting on my chest and my arms would be literally holding up the weight, rather than the weight resting on me. It’ll take a little bit to get used to how the weight feels on me. I got good depth, which is what I want. I’ll add ten pounds next time. *nodnod* Or twenty, depending on how large my testicles are.
*hefts his testicles*
Good Mornings weren’t a strain at all, but it’s not an exercise I feel like fucking around with. Get the form down, and add weight slowly. My motivation for doing them? Because I’ve never done them. I want to master them, add weight until I can’t add more weight. It’s chaos control. It’s also a good stretch for my hamstrings.
I’ll have to go slower with those seated calf raises, as I’m doing them too fast. I saw a guy doing clean and press. Is that the right phrase? Geez. Lifting the weight from the floor in one motion and cleaning it, then pressing it. If I wanted to save time, that move would be awesome. I’ll work towards it next rotation. Right now, I’ll worry about my front squats. *nods decisively*
I wasn’t planning on doing reverse flies at such a low weight. I grabbed the fives so I could get my form down. Then I realized, “Shit, this is hard!” Hit my back the way I wanted it to.
Funny. How long have I been working out? I know I started in October, but I didn’t really get my routine down until January. I remember back when my ass would get sore from 85 lb squats. I know I’ve been making progress, but abs aside, I’m waiting for it to happen physically. Fourteen pounds up, where’d it all go? *smirks* Though, I’d swear my boobs are growing. No, seriously. They’re more prominant than they were before!
And go figure, I don’t really care how large my bench press is. I’m more impressed by the ability to move objects overhead, not when you’re flat on your back.
Seven months since I started. Even I wasn’t sure whether I’d have the drive to keep going.
ryn: *hug* I didn’t mean to imply that she wasn’t. I was more pointing out that the physical isn’t as important to me. If the inside is good, the outside is immaterial. If the person’s just bad all over, well then it just sucks. I’m glad you’re finding what you deserve and sticking to it. Rose
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ryn: Physicality isn’t important to me, either. But just because somebody’s ugly doesn’t mean we should pity them and treat them like someone that actually treats me right. Um, I never said that either. I’m sorry I caused such defensive feelings in you this afternoon. All I ever said was, or meant to say if I didn’t convey it, is that it’s what’s iside that matters to me. The phsyical
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appearance isn’t what attracts me to others, nor do I flinch just because somoene isn’t physically attractive before finding out if who they are is differen’t from what they look like. Again, I’m really sorry to have upset you. Rose
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144.2?Wow.That’s skinny.You still look hot though.
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damn. that’s a lot of notes!
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I need to start lifing weights more. Good job. Keep working hard. That extra food is probably a good thing. You’ll be toned up in no time. Good health and God bless. –Candy, webmistress of
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ryn: haha yeah… we all have our secret insanity… but in comparison, Ashley seems much er, healthier. In every sense of the word.
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I’m glad the eating more is helping. Fuel!!!
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good luck with getting the form down. that is the hardest part.
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