Exerbabble for 4-9-7
Today’s Workout:
- Quest for 315: Phase II, Day A2, Workout VII
3 @ 95 lbs
3 @ 155 lbs
8 @ 210 lbs (+5 lbs)
Alternating Sets:
One-Arm DB Shoulder Press: 6×7 @ 35 lbs (+1 rep, all sets)
Chin-up: 6×4 @ BW+5 lbs (+5 lbs, all sets)
One-Legged Back Extensions: 2×10 @ BW
current bodyweight: 162.4 lbs (-.4 lbs; weekly average of 162.05)
I eased up my RDL increment and only added 5 lbs. I figured it was time to break out the 2.5 plates. If I keep adding 10 lbs each time, it’ll quickly reach a point where it’ll be quite heavy. My warm-ups were fine, and my one set was fine. But a few seconds afterwards, I noticed something didn’t feel right. Left hamstring, medial side – semitendinosus or semimembranosus. I went down into a deep bodyweight squat to feel it out. It hurt, and was tender to the touch. So I scratched the second set. Very curious.
Shoulder presses progressed as they should. Challenging, but never a point where I thought I wouldn’t make it. I added a mere five pounds to my chin-ups. I’ve never done weighed chin-ups for sets before. I figured I should have my small victories, and increment five pounds at a time.
Glute-ham raises seemed out of the question, so I tried out one-legged back extensions. I just wanted to get some extra blood flow to my legs. You do feel it in each leg, and by the end of the set, you get a massive pump in your lower back.
I wasn’t going to lift again until Thursday anyway, so I’ll wait and see how my leg feels. I think it’ll be just fine. If not, no harm in holding off until Friday or Saturday.
Adjustments: Go for perfect progression of 6×8. If I can hit 10×5 @ 40 lbs, then I’ll be able to increment the weight for both days. Increment chin-up weight to 10 lbs. Freeze RDL weight at 210.
ryn: toilet paper? kick ass! yeah, heaven forbid someone takes a college course for the sole purpose of learning something new. i took a lot of pointless classes, like stage makeup: which i’d actually be really good at in life. i remember the year off. maybe take forever off? after this last year of course. (?) personal trainer… i can see you doing that.
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