Exerbabble for 4-25-6
Tiny penis. I know I’ve remarked previously on the remarkable amount of tiny penises in the locker room. I try not to go on about this too much, as it’s kind of rude and ugsomely judgemental of me. However, I had a thought today. There’s the concept of “showers” and “growers”. Ladies know how if they catch their boytoy flaccid for the first time, they can wonder to themselves or aloud, “…Is that it? It’s really tiny!” Kind of a “Yeah, duh” situation. Flaccid penises are meant to be small! Nonetheless…
I’d like to propose similar terms, except they would only be applied during the flaccid state. There’s two ways to differentiate between peckers in a locker room situation. (Nobody really walks around with a Thunderous Erection, thankfully.) There’s guys like myself, and I consider myself rather normal. And why not? I’m the normal one, everybody else is weird! : D There are guys with penises so tight that it looks like they have no shaft. Sure, glans size varies. I see guys with big bobbing glans stuck up right against their pubis. I saw a guy today with a relatively small glans right up against his pubis. And then there’s the overweight/old fellows whose penises seem to have inverted. I wish I was kidding.
The penis seems to “retract” a bit more into the body, but it seems like a mouthful to call them “retractors”. So. Since their penises seem to “cling” to their body, I will think of them as “clingers”. Me? Well, like other males, my penis hangs past my testicles. I’m hardly ample in a flaccid state, but my testicles and penis are rather clearly stated. (I won’t touch on guys whose testicles don’t seem to hang down much. Sad thing is, old testicles tend to hang down lower. Go figure.) Oh. Right, the word. I think of myself as a hangers
Clingers. Hangers. This is how I amuse myself in my spare time. I’m sure there’s guys somewhere in the middle, but I don’t stare. I’m just a casual observer. If you’re in a locker room full of naked people, you’re going to notice unless you’re prude. Besides, it feels good to be normal.
Yes. The Timmy Classification of Flaccid Penises. As if anybody didn’t know this already, there’s not that much sexiness in the locker room. So says the heterosexual male.
I ate throughout the day, as much as possible. Had some whey with milk when I got up around 7:30. Had two packets of oatmeal around 9 AM. I’m a slow riser. Between my second and third class, around 1 PM, I had egg number one. I ate grapes in class. Uvas! After class, I had a slice of pizza. I wanted something small that wouldn’t fill me up. I know, hardly the best choice, but it’s cheap. You should have seem the look on the ladies faces when I whipped out an egg and ate it.
(Well. Colleen and her friends. Can’t say I mind being surrounded by attractive females. As I say so often, I relate better to females than males. I always feel outside the collective when I’m with males.)
Then I finished off my grapes. MUST KEEP EATING.
Today’s workout:
Pull-up: 7, 7, 6, 3 @ bodyweight
Arnold Press: 5×5 @ 30 lbs
Romanian Deadlift: 4×6 @ 155 lbs
Crunches: 4×10 @ 4 kg
Overhead Squat: 3×7 @ 55 lbs
Standing Calf Raises: 3×9 @ 320 lbs
Bent-over Row: 3×10 @ 70 lbs
Cuban Rotations: 3×6 @ 30 lbs
light stretch
current bodyweight: 140.4 lbs (no change)
Maintained the alternating grip for pull-ups.
Changed the set/rep scheme for Arnold Presses, I’m not hitting 4×6 as fast as I thought I would. I think it’s my triceps lagging, more than anything else. The top of the rep, that is, is more tricep dependent than deltoid dependent. *taps head*
Maintained alternating grip for Romanian Deadlifts. Seeing as how I’ve been slamming my posterior chain hard, I think probably do squats next workout. I know you should keep it “balanced”. But I’m still in the phase where I’m learning exercises and seeing how far I can push myself without worrying about other exercises. Ya know?
*scans rest of exercises*
Again, didn’t finish the set of rows with full range of motion. Just a mental note not to increase the weight until I do, that’s all.
Going to give myself a week off from benching, and replace it with cuban rotations, to hopefully make my right shoulder not feel weird. Too soon to get an injury, I’m not even benching 100 lbs with any frequency! (Though, I could, if I wanted to.)
So. I wonder what to pair with back squats on Thursday. Could do my fun supersetting of leg raises with back extensions. Then do my normal workout on Saturday. Haven’t decided whether to give myself Monday off again. I’m also aware that I’ve been holding this workout for about four weeks. I could change my routine, if I wanted to.
*eats dinner*
(Oh, and ditl #8.)
LOL you crack me up! Rose
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ryn: It’s 50 minutes, but yeah, I know. I am lucky though, I see her on Thursday’s for 1.5 hours and every other Tuesday for 50 minutes. Well, when the schedule works out well that’s the plan. We’ve been really hit and miss since the end of Oct 2005 but it will improve with summer, for the most part, but no sessions in July because no sitter for that month. Such is life… Rose
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There is the term “innie” used by nurses when they talk about difficult catheterizations. It’s harder to catheterize a guy with an ‘innie” 😛
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I doubt it, labia can be moved out of the way but it can be difficult in some cases to actually get the penis out enough to get the catheter into it. These are generally very elderly gentlemen, I dunno what exactly happens to cause that?
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i honestly think that the next time my hubby is naked, and flaccid, i’m going to see what hangs where on him. i don’t think i’ve ever really looked that closely before. LOL
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