Exerbabble for 4-23-6
But first, an anecdote.
I was driving home as I usually do. Made the left onto Route Ten as the light went yellow. Accelerate up the hill and fly down the hill as much as you can do in an old van. See a car that looks like he’s going to merge at the next light. Doing second-level calculus in my brain without equations, I determine that if I continue on my projected course, I’d run him off the road. I hate when people do that to me. So after the light, I signaled and got in the left land.
My sensors weren’t paying much attention to traffic behind me, but the person behind me (in the left lane) apparently decided he didn’t want to be stuck behind an old van. So he got into the right lane to attempt to pass me. The timing of this is critical, as his maneuver effectively caused the merging car to have to drive on the side of the road until he could merge. “What an asshole.” I thought.
He didn’t zoom past me as fast as I thought he would, and I was still gaining speed. I hate being passed on the right, especially when I would have gotten over the right lane after passing the merging car. So. I judged the speeds of all cars, as well as distances, and remerged into the right land. Like a chess match. There was a car to the left of the car that stopped the car from merging, so he was effectively cockblocked from doing anything. *smirks* Not wanting to be a complete ass, I let my speed rise. But not too much, as I knew there would be a red light within a thousand feet, beyond the rise and bend. (There was a red light. Shows you how much I know light timings.)
At the red light, the guy I cockblocked was in the left-turn lane. He looked back at me. I looked at him, smiled, and shaked my head.
Have I mentioned I’m from Jersey? *giggles* Asshole, let people merge!
Today’s workout:
Bent-over Row: 4×6 @ 90 lbs
BB Bench Press: 3×8 @ 95 lbs
Overhead Squat: 4×4 @ 65 lbs
Standing Calf Raise: 4×7 @ 340 lbs
Romanian Deadlift: 3×8 @ 145 lbs
Crunches: 3×12 @ 4 kg
Pull-ups: 8, 8, 6 @ bodyweight
Arnold Press: 10, 9, 6 @ 25 lbs
hamstring/torso stretches
current weight: 140.4 (down from 140.6 two days ago, and 141 four days ago)
weight always done post-workout, pre-shower, completely nude
Put the higher intensity things first.
I’ve never started with bent-over rows before, and even with a warm-up set at 50 lbs, I felt like my engine hadn’t turned on yet. Though, by the third and fourth sets, I felt better. Couldn’t quite get full range of motion to finish the sets, but I did my best. Also, my ass and back felt tighter than usual. I know why, I typically do bent-over rows after romanian deadlifts, and RDL tends to loosen my back right up.
I “fixed” my grip on the straight bench press. I’m an observer. I let my wrists go back a little bit more, as if I was doing a front squat. Have I ever even done 3×8 @ 95 on the flat bench? I’m not sure. Full range of motion, and I was in complete control of the weight. Something still doesn’t feel right in my right shoulder, so I think I’m not going to do benching for week or something. Maybe toss in some cuban rotations at the end, see what happens. I’m not naive enough to think my boobs will disappear, what with all the other things I’m doing. I could do push-ups. *rubs face* Next routine change, I intend to bring in dips, which should hopefully not have the same discomfort that benching does, albeit they both hit your boobs.
I again did overhead squats in the squat cage. (Guess what the squat cage is for.) A mini clean and press to get the weight up. I saw somebody teaching a chick how to clean and press which just the bar. I like. I’ll do that eventually, one I do all these simple things. And maybe the Funky Chicken. C`mon, I totally want to do that eventually. But after I do upright rows. I digress. After four reps in the first set, I actually lost control of the weight. Controlled chaos, as they say. I could feel myself lose it, so I left the bar come down in front of me and onto the safety bars. That’s what they’re there for.
Now. I remembered to use an alternating grip for Romanian Deadlifts. It made a HUGE difference. My forearms didn’t feel fatigued at all afterwards. But after 3×8? I was dripping sweat and sucking air. My gluteous maximus was screaming, “HOLY SHIT.” It felt good. Sucked down some water, and did crunches. It’s a wonderful phenomenon, working antagonist muscles. Doing crunches really does relax my back, especially after something like romanian deadlifts.
Added one more to my pull-up count. Woo.
And Arnold Presses? I ran out of gas. It feels more like a tricep emphasis than a deltoid emphasis. I can raise the weights overhead, but them about halfway, my arms will go, “OH SHIT, BAIL OUT.” Voluntary failure, in some ways. I couldn’t hold form. I know what real failure is, when your limbs literally give out. There’s a difference. Nonetheless, I did less than anticipated. *nodnod*
Sucked down more water, walked a lap, and stretched. Post-workout stretches make more of a difference than pre-workout stretches. Dynamic movements are fine for pre-workout stretching. Afterwards, I’m more concerned about my muscles not getting too tense. And stuff. Felt good to do those back stretches. :: growls :: Timmy got back.
I really do have a nice ass. I wonder if all this exermacise will make my ass even studlier. (stud – > studly – > studly + er – > studlier)
I dinered and finished that letter to Heatherface. I’ll go #2 now, and eat dinner. Yes, I ate at the diner less than two hours ago, but shush. I NEED MORE FOOD IN MY TIMMYTUMMY.
You are probably one of the few people on here who records their bowel movements with such unabashed candor, with the exception of the pro-anas. I did enjoy your poopy poem though. It’s a literary work fit for a mildly offensive sketch comedy skit.
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I can’t remember so many details about my day to even make an entry like this. har har. ryn: when my ass is less flab it is definitely fab. that was a rhyme. oh yeah. watch me rock the words that sound similar. and stuff.
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Goodness me, but I haven’t worked out in a long time. Just went for a jog tonght and did stairs and it was a good thing – a vast increase in physical activity. Eh. And things.
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Just thought i’d stop in..i’ve seen your name at a few OD’s…Take Care..*hug* you seem like quite an interesting person….
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RYN: If I read that right, I can understand what you’re trying to say. Right now my life is somewhat unbalanced as I only am at home and lead a somewhat off track life for a person of my age. Thanks for the note.
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