Exerbabble for 3-22-6

Strange. Maybe I’m more of a morning person than I give myself credit for. Or maybe I’m still thinking in terms of the morning/night dichotomy. I was in bed before 10 PM, and woke up before 6 AM. In fact, I woke up a couple of times in the night. But when I got up, I felt rested. That’s what matters. No argument, no, “I don’t want to get up.” Brain calm.

Had my liter of water and slice of bread. I jumped when I saw my dad in the kitchen. I do not like social contact of that nature first thing in the morning, especially when I’m nude under my bathrobe.

I sheered off some of my hair, then shaved my armpits, genitalia, and ass. For me, nothing says spring like smooth balls. I like running my hands over my furry genitalia, the sensations. But aesthetically, I feel sexier when I’m smooth. I won’t be maintaining my armpits, I do that twice a year just so the hairs don’t get disgusting? There’s a logic behind it, trust me.

I still got it. Smooth shaving, that is. At least, I think it’s sexy, so screw you. : D

I ate, but didn’t dawdle. Hell, I haven’t really played Battlefront since before last weekend. I peed, admiring my genitalia as it flopped out of my undies. I should be vain more often! I quickly gave my beard a trim and shaved my mustache off. I think in a week or two it’ll be warm enough for me to ditch the beard. Have I mentioned that I haven’t seen my chin in over a year? Yeah, I have.

Only three more weight training classes. It’s one of those one-credit courses that ends early (or starts late). It’ll be nice when I’m working out on my own schedule, rather than these preset times, and doint my own routine. Well. Doing it in the order I want, rather than based on availability.

(The girl to my left just said I type fast. *giggles*)

Today’s workout:

    Squat: 3×6 @ 155 lbs
    BB Overhead Press: 9, 7, 5, 4 @ 65 lbs
    BB Bench Press: 3×5 @ 95 lbs
    Pull-up: 6, 6, 6, 3
    Back Row: 4×7 @ 50 lbs
    Seated Calf Raise: 5, 7, 10 @ 250 lbs
    Crunch: 15, 15, 10
    DB Incline Press: 10, 10, 5 @ 25 lbs

I don’t feel like I can squat as much in that room. I feel distractions, especially with Peter insisting on spotting me. So my mind isn’t as focused. Go figure.

I skipped 90 lbs and decided to move up to 95 lbs on the bench press. …Which isn’t what I want! I want my overhead to increase! High weight, low reps. It’s maintained as a twenty pound difference. So. Maybe I can move up to 75 lbs this weekend, expecting low reps, but go for five or six sets.

Don’t ask me how I was able to progressively do MORE reps each set I did of the calf raise.

My abs must be getting stronger, because crunches don’t feel as awkward anymore. Still annoying. But less awkward. Doesn’t everyone want stronger abs?

For once, I brought a change of socks with me. I don’t shower at school, as you know. I can deal with my undies (changing them when I tuggify later in the day), but it’s strange to take my shoes off without changing my socks. I mean, when my socks are clearly um. When they need changing!

I’ve forgotten how pubic hair acts as a buffer for ballsweat. Ballsweat is kind of sexy? Sort of. Kind of. *shrugs*

So I think I’ll be here for fifteen more minutes. Then the café is sure to have soup ready. Or something. Maybe I’ll get another tuna-related sandwich. Protein? Protein! *giggles* I also want to pee again. ..Not while I’m eating. I’ll wash my hands and pee. In that order, as I haven’t given my hands a post-workout hand-washing. You think I’m going to touch my clean penis with post-workout hands? Blasphemy! I’d like a study to be done that shows it’s better to wash your hands BEFORE you pee, to avoid getting germs on your genitalia. Your bits just sort of stay binary all day, they only go hexidecimal if your hands convert them to such.

I can’t believe I just made that joke.

Cliff said he has a book for me. Yeah, another one. But I don’t mind him pushing books on me. I’m selective about who I let expose me to things that are uncomfortable to me. (In this case, books in general, not necessarily what the books are.)

Which reminds me of the Governmental Transcendentalism that he mentioned to me last night. Frankly, I’m surprised I didn’t think of it myself. I’ve been saying for a while that a vote doesn’t say much. It converts a human string into a boolean value. Not even an integer, not even an array of boolean values. Hell, not even a boolean value, as nobody has negative votes. We give one candidate a single unary value. All the talk, all the debates, that’s what it’s reduced to. Sufficive to say, that’s a lot of data loss.

But that’s not what Cliff was onto. What he said was simple: Replace the election system with a random selection system similar to what we have for jury duty. Who are these people representing me? The people do not run the government. The government has become a business, and a bad one at that. I’d rather have Ross Perot in charge, pie charts and all, pointing out, “WE ARE NOT MAKING PROFIT!!” Your average Ferengi would suffice. Republicans are nice in charge, if they want profit for everyone. But when’s the last time Republicans gave a shit about us?

We do not have a democracy. Anyone with half a brain knows this. To say we have a Republic is a stretch, these days. How did Cliff put it, a Bureaucratic Monarchy? People don’t want to run the government themselves. They want the government to either go away, or to do exactly what pleases them and pisses their enemies off. Or something like that. And this is what we have, a government far removed from The People.

If the election system were eliminated, Republicanism would fall. The people who represent the people would be, you’ll never believe it. THE PEOPLE. Urbans representing urbanites, soccer moms representing soccer moms, and lots of hispanics in Cali and other places. And I’m not talking educated people. The majority of America is uneducated and dumb. Most people are scared of running the country themselves. But I’m not sure I like our current alternative.

If people were more interested in their own lives, their neighbor’s lives, and less about whether they’re going to get reelected, a lot of rhetoric (read: bullshit) will fade away. Maybe American would degrade into the true moral values of the people. But so be it, at least then we’d be honest about the horrible bastards we are.

But I’d like to think the future could be better. Eventually when we meet Aliens, we’d form a Federation of Planets and.. Oh wait, now I sound like Gene Roddenberry.


Has that idiot been in office for six years? That idiot has been president since I’ve been an adult. That idiot has done nothing to make the world better.

Of course, I know better than to blame the executive office. I can’t even name the point of the executive office anymore. Can you? I vaguely remember something to do with checks and balances. But one measily person to balance the.. How did it go? Executive checks Legistative, Legislative checks the Judges, and Judges check the Executive? I forget. But what does the President do?

People still yearn for the monarchy, one figurehead to look up to and say either, “That’s my guy.” or, “That’s their idiot.” Part of me wants to take up a Confederate Flag. Symbols mean whatever people think they mean, after all.

But, as I’d hoped, I went off on a tangent. All I know is if the next No-Choice election is Condi Versus Hillary, I’m not voting for either bitch. I’ll vote third-party, if only to say, “YOU ALL SUCK.”

In Russia, there’s a None of the Above option. If there’s any small improvement to be made, that would be one of them. I suppose asking the American public to rank all their preferences for who they want in office would be asking too much, and a bitch to tabulate. My point, if any, is that a vote doesn’t say anything.

Anyway, me and my shaved balls are going to go get some food.

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March 22, 2006
March 22, 2006

Ballsweat is NOT sexy. And it stinks! Okay, going back to read the rest.

March 22, 2006

Ew, Timmy. You’re nasty. But in a good way. 😛

March 22, 2006

smooth balls is very sexy. and much more pleasureable to us chicks. you go! I saw some new pics of you on your LJ in the day in the life of entry and your hair has grown so much so quickly! Thats so cool. You have great hair. also, I like the None of the Above option too!

I’ve never felt rested before. What’s it like? I think working on your own schedule would be alot better for you. Maybe you could feel more motivated.

March 22, 2006

saxy saxy. the shaving.

March 23, 2006

I like how everybody commented on the scrotality of the entry and not the politics. I can’t help but smirk. “That’s complicated! Bring more balls!!” Ahaha ha ha haaaa.