Exerbabble for 2-17-7
Today’s Workout:
- Quest for 315: Phase I, Lower Day, Workout VI
Deficit Deadlift (Off 6 inch platform):
4 @ 135 lbs
6×4 @ 205 lbs (+10 lbs)
BB Front Squat:
4 @ 95 lbs
4×4 @ 155 lbs
current bodyweight: 161.2 lbs (+.4 lb; weekly average of 160.25 lbs)
My ass is sore.
Consistently, the first pull is the hardest, and the subsequent three reps are better form. Hrmmm.
It was only an extra 240 lbs in volume, but I felt more tired after I finished the deadlifts. It’s funny how I really don’t start sweating until I squat. My rest periods were probably closer to three minutes than I’d admit. I’d go get a drink of water, which usually takes about a minute. I’d write down a 4 and pace back and forth for a minute, eye on a clock. Then I’d stand on the platform and fidget for probably another minute. Heh.
You know, I thought I’d be involving my quads more. But after the first rep, I really have a high stance, I just bend down lower. My back feels okay, I’ve trained myself to keep my back pretty straight and stable. Maybe one of these days I’ll try doing a video, albeit my camera doesn’t do videos all that well. After each set, I felt it at the top of my glutes.
I was getting tired into those front squats. So glad I lowered it to four sets, makes it mentally easier to go through. Just grind them out. My elbows were dropping more than they should. Damn it.
Adjustments: Level up Deficit Deadlift to 215 lbs. Steady as she goes. If there’s any weak spots on my posterior chain, good old fashioned deadlifting will knock them out in the process. There’s no way in hell I’m going to front squat 165 lbs for 4×4. I could try 4/2/4/2, or 2/4/2/4. Wave-loading rules.