Exerbabble for 12-8-6
Today’s workout:
- Upper 1RM Testing
BB Flat Bench:
5 @ 45 lbs/20 kg
5 @ 95 lbs/43 kg
1 @ 135 lbs/61 kg (PR +10 lbs)
? @ 145 lbs/66 kg
Weighted Pull-up:
2 @ BW
3 @ 10 lbs/4.5 kg (PR +10 lbs)
2 @ 20 lbs/9 kg (PR +20 lbs)
3/4 @ 30 lbs/13.5 kg lbs
1 @ 25 lbs/11 kg (PR +25 lbs)
Push Press:
5 @ 45 lbs/20 kg
3 @ 95 lbs/43 kg
F @ 115 lbs/52 kg
3 @ 105 lbs/47.72 kg (PR +10 lbs)
Standing BB Shoulder Press:
F @ 95 lbs/43 kg
BB Bent-over Row:
5 @ 45 lbs/20 kg
1 @ 135 lbs/61 kg (PR +20 lbs)
3/4 @ 145/66 kg lbs
Pendlay Row:
2 @ 145 lbs/66 kg (PR)
Cable Crunch:
3 @ 110 lbs/50 kg
2 @ 130 lbs/59 kg
F @ 140 lbs/63.6 kg
Parallel Bar Dips:
8 @ BW
1 @ 25 lbs/11 kg (PR +25 lbs)
current bodyweight: 158 lbs (-1.2 lbs; weekly average 157.75 lbs)
When I first was going downstairs, I ran into a guy that’s there a lot. He’s overweight, and mostly a socializer. He said,
“Were you here on Saturday?”
“Did you see that asshole who brought a little girl into the locker room?”
HA HA. See, I wasn’t the only one who noticed!
This was a very fun day. Just going in and hitting some records. I barely broke a sweat, except for when I decided to see how many dips I could do. My rest periods were whatever I felt like.
I got over myself and asked someone for a spot. The 135 was a clear PR. The 145, however, I think he grabbed it halfway. Not like he was pulling it all the way up, but in my mind, it wasn’t a clear PR. Bench isn’t my shtick, so I’m not concerned, really. Just twenty more pounds and I hit bodyweight. …Except, my bodyweight keeps rising. Ha ha. I can bench press what my bodyweight was last year, however!
Weighted pull-ups were really fun. I surprised myself, honestly. Maybe the weight keeps me more centered, whereas without it my body would swing more? Muscles move, plates don’t. That 30 lb attempt, I got SO close, but I didn’t want to start swinging, so I just accepted that it was 3/4 of a rep. There was someone next to the squat cage doing stiff-legged deadlift curls. I mean, he’s deadift it, then curl it. Well, at least he had half the equation right.
I think I could have done better at push presses if I had been practicing them. Getting down into a quarter squat and exploding. Can’t claim I wasn’t trying, I felt it in my shoulders after the 115 attempt, even though the bar didn’t budge off my shoulders. After my 105 PR, I stripped the nickels off and tried to straight press 95 lbs. Nope, couldn’t strictly press it. No biggie. I didn’t lower the weight, because I recall my current PR is 85 lbs. Pressing 90 lbs wouldn’t have been a big deal.
Bent-over row PR matched my bench PR. Woo. I got half of the 145 lbs, so I switched to Pendlay form. Still, I’ll count 135 as my PR, as that’s typically how I do my rows.
For fun, I tried to see how much I could cable crunch. Do note that it’s getting closer to my bodyweight. I couldn’t just kneel down. I noticed I had to kneel down, then lat pull the weight down, to get into cable crunching position. Heh.
I hadn’t planned dips, but I was curious how many I could do. Same as I’ve been able to do, I recall. Did a single at 25 lbs, because I figured I should be able to dip what I can pull. Finished my stretches and hit the showers.
In review:
- Deadlift: 2 @ 245 lbs (June 2006)
Squat: 1 @ 195 lbs (June 2006)
Bench: 1 @ 135 lbs
Pull-up: 1 @ 183 lbs (BW +25 lbs)
Bent-over Row: 1 @ 135 lbs
Push Press: 3 @ 105 lbs
Dip: 1 @ 183 lbs (BW +25 lbs)
I’m refreshed and looking forward to breaking my squat and deadlift personal records tomorrow. Oh yes.
Okay, so, question. What’s PR? And mighty fine front page pic.
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Well you’re Canadian, yes? This means you automatically love hockey. It’s in your blood. I should get on the workout things myself. Alas, it’s not my passion to be all ripped.
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Im confused….what girl got pulled into a locker room?
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Go you!
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Well then you’re Canadian at heart, which is more important anyway. You’re the third person I know from Jersey now. Off to read your m-m-m-manifesto.
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yeah yeah I read it. I see your point. But I’m saying…I don’t think people should have been uncomfortable… by going in the “Boys” don’t you think the teenagers would have been even less equipped to handle a girl in the room?
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Yes, yes I am…lol When the kid is that young…you have to take it with you. I think the lesser of two evils was to bring the girl in the older men’s room because at least an older man should be more mature to handle the situation. But bottom line….he shouldn’t have had his daughter with him at the gym. that’s what a baby sitter is for. I was on the toilet at the bowling alley last night when a little boy from next door peeked his head under by stall. It pissed me off. parents should think more before they take their kids places. Can’t I pee in private??
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Hehehe. Did you see the jerk that brought the little girl in here. *nods*
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hehe..ok so we can agree to disagree!! I love free will
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kick @$$
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