Exerbabble for 12-30-6

I really, really, wasn’t looking forward to day’s workout. I felt tired and demotivated. So I decided to do something completely different.


    Romanian Deadlift:
    3 @ 135 lbs
    3 @ 185 lbs

    3 @ 225 lbs
    3 @ 235 lbs
    3 @ 245 lbs (Previous deadlift high)
    3 @ 255 lbs
    1 @ 265 lbs (RDL PR)
    3 @ 245 lbs
    3 @ 245 lbs
    3 @ 245 lbs
    3 @ 245 lbs
    5 @ 225 lbs

    3 @ 135 lbs
    3 @ 185 lbs
    3 @ 195 lbs
    3 @ 205 lbs
    1 @ 225 lbs (PR +20 lbs)
    5 @ 185 lbs

    Total Volume: 28235 lbs

    current bodyweight: 158.6 lbs (no change; weekly average of 158.45 lbs)

I wanted to move heavy shit, what can I say? I had a craving for romanian deadlift. I forget at what set, but I realized my hands were going to be sore. (They’re a little tender.) My ass started hurting quickly. Not my lower back, just my ass. I love a good ass pump. :: flexes :: I was able to hold 265 and get it down, but I felt uncomfortable. So I eased the weight back so I could continue popping out sets. I kept the rest periods as long as I wanted. I just told myself not to take longer than an hour for the actual lifting. As long as my rest periods were, I have to reflect on how calm I felt. I remember back before HGM, after a set of deadlifts, my heart would be beating out of my chest, and I’d be out of breath. At no point was my heartrate out of control, and at no point was I panting.

Doing squats after deadlifts is typically unadvisable, but that’s precisely the reason I did it. I just find I have more energy to squat if I do it second, whereas if I deadlift second, yeah right. I wasn’t particularly planning on hitting the PR today, let alone after 8+ work sets of RDL’s. Oh. For the burnout set of RDL’s, it wasn’t leg limiting. I just felt like my right hand was giving, so I racked the weight. No biggie.

Given the priming of my posterior chain, I made sure to really “sit back” when squatting. For the work sets, form was pretty good. Though, I felt like my groin was going to cramp. I normally feel it in my groin, but I felt it more than usual. Almost like I had to pause before coming all the way up. You know, 205 didn’t feel that heavy. Is that even possible? Maybe my body has gotten used to it. ..Anyway, I wasn’t planning on hitting the PR, but I didn’t want to squat 215.

I’ve been skimping on my rotational stretches. That felt REALLY good afterwards during my stretching cooldown. I feel pretty good. At least now I have an idea of just how long it takes to do 8×3. (Nevermind that the total number of sets is over 10.) I wanted to do rack pulls after squats, but I didn’t have time. Maybe some other time, my rest periods WERE kind of long.

I just finished eating. Maybe I’ll take quick nap.

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