Exerbabble for 12-1-7
Hi. I gymmed this morning. Today’s workout:
- Day II
General Maintenance
Overhead Squat:
5 @ BW (broomhandle)
3×10 @ 45 lbs (just the bar!)
BB Split Squat
8 @ 95 lbs
10 @ 85 lbs
12 @ 75 lbs
Alternating sets: (60 seconds rest)
DB Incline Press:
3 @ 20 lbs
8 @ 40 lbs
10 @ 35 lbs
12 @ 30 lbs
Cable Row:
3 @ 60 lbs
8 @ 105 lbs
10 @ 97.5 lbs
12 @ 90 lbs
Alternating Sets: (30 seconds rest)
DB Shoulder Press:
3×15 @ 15 lbs
Lat Pulldown:
3×15 @ 80 lbs
Cuban Press:
3×5 @ 40 lbs
Treadmill: 30 minutes @ 5% incline, 3.1 mph + warm-up/cool-down
(Usual stretching)
Machine Lateral Raise: 50, 20, 15, 10, 5 @ 15 lbs
I randomly got the urge to do some overhead squats. I think my logic was that it would help with overall flexibility, which is an aspect of fitness I consider is important. Plus, I know holding a bar overhead will strengthen my middle trapezius, which will in effect help with overhead presses. (Middle traps upwardly rotate the scapula. Rhomboids downwardly rotate. Oh wait, nobody cares. Ha ha.)
Really felt it in my aforementioned middle traps when I was overhead squatting. I’m not interested in adding lots of weight. I’ve overhead squatted 65 lbs before, but I think it was for only 5 reps. I’d rather stay with just the bar and really use good form. Overhead squats are good for you.
Tossed in some wave-loading to keep myself entertained. I’m glad I took up split squats. While they’re going to get harder as I progressively challenge myself with the weight, I feel a lot more steady while doing them.
Inclines felt a little easy in the first set, and a little hard in the last set. I think I’ll just do a rep progression before I increase the weight.
Did 15-rep sets for active recovery of my vertical plane. Man, with short rest periods, dinky little 15 lb dumbbells can make me feel weak! I still don’t feel I’m ready for an upgrade to 20 lbs. I’ll add more reps before I increase the weight.
Wanted to do some cuban presses so I don’t neglect external rotation. My shoulders were tired, I’ll have to reduce the weight next time. I want somewhere between 8 and 15 reps, not five.
I’m not feeling quite as awesome as I was on Thursday, but I feel pretty good. Good enough to say I’m awesome, if I felt like saying I’m awesome. I’m awesome. There’s levels of awesomeness. Sometimes the some of awe is greater than others.
I’m so glad November is over. Oh. I got an email from my exercise phys prof, but the attachment that the system says is supposed to be there, uh, isn’t? I tested the system by sending myself sometimes, and THOSE attachments showed up. I’ll try accessing it from a school computer. Failing that, I’ll ask someone for technical support, or just ask him to resend. It’s strange, because the system claims the message’s size is six megs, indicating that SOMETHING is there, it’s just not showing up.
I’ve eaten. I think I’ll try to be as parasympathetic as possible prior to employment. Yes, I said parasympathetic. Deal with it.
I’ll crochet you a thong. OR A COCK SOCK.
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RYN: I used to do sit-ups regularly, but stopped after reading that they don’t really “do that much” for you as opposed to crunches, etc. As far as push ups, I always try to incorporate at least ten into a workout. I almost always can do at least fifteen/twenty when I try. The thing that sucks about fitness is that one “reputable” source will say that you should be able to do this much, and another source will say something else. Which is why I decided to do what feels right and hope for the best. I know that I’m in better shape than most people (seeing as how most of the country is overweight). I also think that some of those fitness tests are given to people so that they are more inclined to purchase training packages and spend additional money. Screw that. 😉
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