Exerbabble for 11-29-7

Yes, yes, yes, oh yes. I totally hit the gym this morning. And I feel awesome. Man, I knew I’d feel better once I got those major stressors of the semester behind me! Seriously!

Today’s workout:

    HYUGE AND SWOLE, DAY ONE. Ha ha, I’m so kidding. I’m not even sure I’ll name this or date it, I just like having everything annotated, that’s why I write it out.

    Day I.

    3 @ 135, 185, 225 lbs
    1, 1, 1 @ 275 lbs
    F, F @ 255 lbs

    Alternating sets:
    BB Shoulder Press:
    3 @ 45 lbs
    5×3 @ 95 lbs
    6, 5, 5 @ 85 lbs

    3 @ BW
    2 @ 25 lbs
    3, 2 @ 20 lbs
    3, 3 @ 15 lbs
    6, 4, 3 @ BW

    DB High Pull:
    3×10 @ 40 lbs

    DB Lateral Raise:
    10, 10, 10* @ 10 lbs

    Treadmill: 30 minutes @ 5% incline, 3.1 mph + warm-up/cool-down

    (Usual stretching)

    Machine Lateral Raise: 50, 20, 15, 10, 5 @ 15 lbs

Whoa, that looks like a long list of stuff. Oh wait, it WAS a long list of stuff. To give you an idea of time, I got in the gym a little after 8 AM. I then took a dump. Because I like to clear my bowels prior to moving inanimate objects. By the time I finished lifting, it was uh, 9:20? I can’t remember. No wait, that sounds right. Cardio is 30 minutes, plus 5 minute warm-up and 5 minute cooldown. So 40 minutes. Then I went downstairs to stretch, and do 100 reps of lateral raises. It was.. sometime after 10 AM by the time I finished that. I showered, and took my time getting my clothes on. By the time I left the locker room, it was around 10:50 or so. I amused myself with how I can spend nearly three hours in a gym.


I can’t fathom how people just get in and out so fast. Man, I take my fucking time and savor it.

Pulled three singles at 275 lbs. It was strange, when I lowered the weight, I couldn’t get the first pull. I was stiff-legging too much with the singles. I’ll do some higher rep stuff in a workout or two to reset my form.

Shoulder presses felt nice. I mean. 95 lbs used to be my 1RM. I’ll increase those triples next time. Pull-ups were variable as usual. It’s always so strange how much stronger we are at chin-ups than pull-ups. (Only difference is supination VS pronation.)

Did my little deltoid superset. Because I want to grow some fucking shoulders. Ha ha. I felt good to go in under a minute, so that seemed like a good rest period to go with. I guessed with the weight, but it turned out to be the same weight I used when I did 4×10 high pulls in Hypertrophy I. Awesome. I may increase the weight, but we’ll see. Lateral raises felt harder as each set went on. By the third, I couldn’t finish the reps, so I rest-paused. Rest/pause? Whatever, I took a second, then did some more reps until I couldn’t anymore.

I’m so happy that I can do treadmills without feeling like death. If you feel like death, you’re going too fast!

I’ve always heard of doing 100 reps for hypertrophy, but I’ve never done it regularly before. I figure, why not? At the end of a workout, it’ll at least flush the muscle with blood. And it gives you a HYUGE PUMP. OMGZ. Ha ha. I’m such a dork. After the first fifty, I rested maybe 25 seconds. After that, I did however reps I annotated, rested two or three seconds, and then continued. Talk about lactic acid build-up.

I should be able to get in double sessions on Monday and Tuesday, making this kind of training a lot easier, so to speak.

Kept tabs on Victoria, as I sensed she could use a Timmy. Shouldn’t everybody have a Timmy? I rule. :: smiles ::

I’m otherwise feeling rather grand. I’m wearing my orangutang shirt to celebrate. I may even restart tugging tonight. After getting groceries tonight, I should definitely go throw myself into a Thicket of Men. Mmmm. (It’s a video game, you pervs.)

Seriously, I’m in such a good mood. I feel washed clean. Calm. I’ve almost been walking with a smile on my face. Awesome, I say. Bloody awesome!

Eeep, I require defecation! Excuse me.

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