Exerbabble for 10-9-6

I had an anxiety attack this morning, so it took a little longer to get out the door. If it weren’t for lifting, I probably wouldn’t have shown up at county this “early’ as it is. I didn’t want to skip my workout. That A&P exam I have tomorrow is just stressing me to all hell. After class, I’m going to be studying until I drop. Thankfully, I have no workout tomorrow morning, so I’ll be able to sleep.

Today’s Workout:

    HGM Phase III “Strong Medicine”, Workout II, Day B

    Close-grip BB Incline Press: 5 @ 45 lbs, 5×5 @ 85 lbs

    Single-arm DB Row: 3 @ 15 lbs, 5×5 @ 40 lbs

    Wide-grip BB Bench Press: 5×5 @ 105 lbs

    Ab Rollout (from knees): 5×5 @ BW

    BB Cuban Rotation: 2×15 @ 30 lbs

    current bodyweight: 154.2 (-.2 lbs, weekly average of 155 lbs)

I wasn’t exactly looking forward to today, as I don’t like benching. It’s partly because I feel silly, like everybody else who benches. But also because I’m afraid of dying. I like dumbbells, and I like dips. I like overhead presses because if you lose the bar, you can just let it come down to your shoulders and step forward to rack the weight.

Middle of first exercise, I realized I wasn’t sure whether my close-grip was actually “close-grip”. I was using a shoulder-width grip, which achieves the goal of hitting the triceps more. The video had the guy using a similar grip. I’ve also seen close-grips where the hands are on the middle of the bar, hands touching. *shrugs* I don’t think it matters entirely. I’ll stick with the grip I used.

It’s painfully obvious why I had “issues” with rows a year ago. I was using too much weight. We all expect more from ourselves sometimes, and I was no different. There was no jerking the weight, and my torso was stable throughout. If I wanted, I could hold the dumbbell against my chest. Control. That, and I didn’t overshoot the weight. I wanted to complete my sets to build confidence. Deloading? Not overshooting the mark, at least. Should go without saying, but the annotations are for both arms. I started with my left, as I’m right-handed. Anything my left can do, my right can surely shadow.

I barely even broke a sweat by the time it came to bench. I’m assuming a “wide-grip” just means a normal grip you’d use, as opposed to some special grip that’s even wider than usual. Felt fine through the first two sets, though I worried through the rest. With so few reps, I was able to focus on exploding at the bottom. If I can get through the bottom portion, I can always lock out, it seems.

I could not do an ab rollout from my toes without my knees giving out, or otherwise falling over. So I did it from my knees. Abs aside, that finished off my triceps. Not something you’d totally expect, but it makes sense.

I tossed in some cuban rotations at the end, as I’d like to keep my shoulders nice and healthy. I forgot what weight/reps I used before, so I just went until I hit a high number.

Overall, the kind of workout I needed today, to build confidence.

Oh, and on a soreness report, my traps are indeed sore from high pulls. My delts a little, too. Amazingly, my legs feel great, no soreness at all. Guess that means I should pull harder next time. ; ) And I’d swear my biceps felt a little sore. Just a little.

Addendum: Bump close-grips to 95 lbs. Bump rows to 45 lbs. I’ll either bump my bench to 115, or hit 5×6 before increasing. I don’t think I’ll be able to finish 115 for 5×5. Just a paranoia, that’s all. And bump my cubans to 40 lbs, that should challenge me.

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RYN: He really IS into XBOX though… that’s the thing. And he has shown that when he is challenged at work, he really does love it. And he definitely has the capability of doing an internet based radio program. Which is why I’m having a hard time telling him about this, because I’m afraid it’s just going to make him feel bad. Like he “isn’t doing enough” or something.