Exerbabble for 1-6-7
Today’s Workout:
- “Triples”
Romanian Deadlift:
3 @ 135 lbs
3 @ 185 lbs
3 @ 225 lbs
6×3 @ 255 lbs (+10 lbs)
12 @ 205 lbs
Front Squat
3 @ 95 lbs
3 @ 155 lbs
3 @ 155 lbs
3 @ 145 lbs
current bodyweight: 158.6 lbs/72 kg (-.2 lbs)
Guilty as charged, really. The leg day in Phase V just doesn’t inspire me at all. I’ll finish with it next week, I swear. I just wanted to do another day of triples.
As far as the RDLs go, it was fun. I made sure not to cheat my ROM. My reps got kind of slow by the end, but I was still able to get down to about mid-calf. Which is pretty close to the floor. I wonder if doing RDL’s off a platform would help, because I have issues getting off the floor. I know, just do deficit deadlifts. It’s a psychological thing. No wonder people end up trying to improve their deadlift indirectly.
Grip was good, just alternated every set. Was fine for the burnout set.
I eased back on the last set of front squats, because my form was starting to go on the previous set. I like to try and get as deep as possible with front squats.
ryn: Your depressing weather can’t even compare to my depressing weather!!!!
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ryn: I don’t mind shoveling snow either… it’s the ice I mind! Blech.
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Timmy, your penis isn’t exactly small.
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RYN: No one said anything about “little.” 😉 Thanks for the note 🙂
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