Excuse My Babbling.

Status Report

    Wearing: DARE: Donuts Are Real Expensive.

    WinAmp is playing: Yearbook – Hanson

    Last ate: Broccoli Pizza. “Hey, it’s good for me!”

    Last round of masturbation: Earlier today. Oh god, I love girl on girl porn. I can learn so much!

    Entry Start Time: 10:58 PM

    What I’d like my DiaryName to be: Unnamed Emotion.

    Based on Esther’s “Senses”.

I don’t really feel like thinking. So it makes complete sense that I’d kill time writing.

I was playing StarCraft earlier. Oh boy, I forgot the joy of lurkers. I sent in some ultralisks to take some damage right before I ordered the lurkers in. MASSIVE DEVASTATION. Nevermind that I was basically toying with the computer. It had already mined all it’s minerals. And I had control of the other half-dozen mineral sites on the screen. *giggles* It’s fun to send in one zergling, just to see how much damage it can do. I had one attack a barracks. Nothing happened. Finally, an SCV was sent over to repair it. 1 Zergling VS 1 SCV. Gee, I wonder who won that battle. The computer can be so stupid like that. If 1 Zergling was attacked a barracks and I didn’t have much left, I’d sent all my SCVs to kill that bitch.

Reminds me of the time… Well, I wasn’t there, but I just heard about it. Shawn Meadows. Beats me who he was playing. His defenses were overrun, and there was a single seige tank setting up to attack. He had nothing left. So he sent all his SCV’s to attack it. 8 or so SCV’s versus 1 seige tank in seige mode. He destroyed the tank and said, “I live on!” *smirks*

I remember when I played video games with frequency. I think I eventually saw them as a waste of money and moved on? You can get everything on emulator now. Or buy the good games used. Of course, the original Legend of Zelda probably still sells for five bucks or more at a used game store. Which is a lot for a game made in .. 86? I think. I forget what year. I like screwing around with Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force. I think I can still remain competitive at the middle difficulty setting. Though, if I want to just boost my ego, I have it set at the second lowest. (There’s only five settings.) The lowest setting just insults my intelligence. I like using phaser rifle and using the alternate fire. “Oh, vaporized, you’re dead! I laugh at you.” It’s fun to get some aerial ground and watch the computers fight each other. Then pick them off one by one. I really don’t play humans that much. If you think I get pissed playing computer games when I play the computer, well, you haven’t seen how pissed I get when a human whoops me. Maybe I’m just compensating for my penis size, but I hate being thoroughly beaten by humans. If it’s a back-and-forth, it’s fun. But, if it’s just like, “Oh. I’m dead already”, it’s no fun.

A while ago, I thought I should think of my five favorite’s albums and make it an entry. But eh, I’ve already done the Music of Different Eras. Hard to top that. So. If I were on a deserted island with nothing but a stereo, five CD’s and a lifetime supply of donuts and milk (nevermind the milk would go bad fast), those five CD’s would be:

    1. Creedence Clearwater Revival – Chronicle Volume 1
    2. Metallica – And Justice For All
    3. Live – Throwing Copper
    4. Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti
    5. Nirvana – In Utero

Honorable mentions, in no order:

    Soundtrack to Night At The Roxbury
    Metallica – Kill`Em All (Hey, Lightning and Puppets may be better albums, but… if I had to have only one of the three, I’d take Kill`Em All)
    Nirvana – Nevermind (Oh, and Incesticide, too. It’s just grown on me lately)
    Underworld – Beaucoup Fish (And a burned copy of that 50 minute live mp3 I have…)
    Hanson – Middle of Nowhere
    AC/DC – Live
    KoRn – Follow the Leader
    RAMMS+EIN – Mutter
    White Zombie – La Sexorcista, Devil Music Volume 1

I’ve found that my music collection hasn’t grown much lately. I don’t mean in terms of buying CD’s. Or even in downloading music. I mean I’m very content with all the music I have right now. I guess this means I’m old. Because I’m content to be 80 and listening to “Rein Raus” by RAMMS+EIN.

When I was younger, in say Middle School, I’d say, “New music sucks.” Of course, that’s partially because I wasn’t exposed to “new music”. And you know what? New music sucks. I like getting music on some sort of a delay. Having friends tell me, “Dude, listen to this.” Even then, I’m skeptical. Lots of people will swear by bands like Slipknot, but when I listen stuff by them, I think to myself, “Um, I don’t get it.” Somebody noted me the other day telling me that there’s a new Hanson album coming out soon. I should check that. *checks*

Yup. New one named “Underneath.” I’ll buy it. *smiles* I liked This Time Around. I wonder when RAMMS+EIN will come out with something new. Mutter blew me away. I wonder if they can top it. I still need to get Underworld’s live album, “Everything, Everything.” In time, in time. I love Underworld. I should explore more techno. But, I’m lazy.

I’m thirsty. I really need liquid rations. Unfortunately, I’m too cheap to buy anything at the moment. Guess it’s tap water for me when I’m not in the dining hall. It’ll toughen me up! *smiles* I love George Carlin. If you want to rent something by him, look for “Doin` It Again.” “Want to know how to piss off the feminists? Go into N.O.W. headquarters and yell, “Hey, which one of your fine ladies want to make me a home-cooked meal and give me a blowjob?! Blowjob!!” Okay, I probably got it a little off, but whatever.

It amuses me thoroughly how I hate reading. Yet I can write until I notice I have to clean my earwax. Don’t you hate it when you get an itch in your ear and then you look underneath your nail and there’s earwax? “Ah damn, I need a q-tip.”

I should attempt to be academic tomorrow. I’m not behind. …Yet. Ah, the bi-yearly struggle to get my ass to the library.

I need a new character to toy with. I can tell that I have the ability to write BIGGAYDAN stories for a long, long time. BIGGAYDAN’s BIGGAYBREAKUP! BIGGAYDAN meets BIGGAYAL. BIGGAYDAN… In Space! BIGGAYDAN and the Meaning of Life. BIGGAYDAN Takes A Dump. BIGGAYDAN Gets Pregnant! BIGGAYDAN’s Last Stand. BIGGAYDAN Orders Out To Eat. BIGGAYDAN: The Search For His INSANELYHOTGIRLFRIEND. BIGGAYDAN Gets Some LAIDTM. BIGGAYDAN VS Larry The Ebonite Freezer Monster. The possibilities are endless!

I know, Pandora, I said I’d write about you. But, the concept is too similar to BIGGAYDAN. Also, your story became a victim of the trend where.. if I list things I’m going to write, I generally end up not writing them. : ( I almost want to bust out some Larry. I love that character. It’s so much fun being full of Larry. Eh, worst come to worst, he’ll be back for the Third Annual Who Wants To Date A Timmy Contest. (April 26, 2004)

Oh lookie, the char limit. That’s my signal to either find something else to babble about or to stop writing. Oh, and as for The Minor, I’ve decided not to decide anything. *nods decisively* Thanks, Hairbrush.

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I’m still going with the regular old PacMan as one of my favorite video games. Oh, and Centipede. I know, I know…boring….but so much fun.

RYN: Yeah. I think you’ve stopped before and told me about your mom. Were you Timmy something or other? How’s your mom doing? And, just for curiosity’s sake…one of my best friend’s is going to be touring with Hanson shortly…http://www.opendiary.com/entryview.asp?authorcode=C103789&entry=10047 just check out this entry and scroll down to the picture of Korel.

You’d prefer Physical Graffiti to II or III? Sick pervert.

September 6, 2003

Woa… funny you should mention it. I have a shit load of games that run on various emulators. I even have all the old Sega games like Phantasy Star III and of course the Sonic games. My faves are the older Nintendo games like Meteroid (sp?).

September 6, 2003

This is insanity. Pure insanity. I’m sure you know what I mean.

September 6, 2003

ryn: ty

September 6, 2003

^^ Insanity is fun. 😀

i love CCR : D

RYN: I do’nt really like spiral as much. I prefer regular mac and cheese. I only get spiral when they don’t have regular available. And its always Kraft. That’s the best. Mmmmm. 😀 Now I’m going to read this entry. 😀

September 6, 2003

RYN: I’m a bad christian because I said he should let his drunk friends walk home instead of being their designated driver.I was kidding, but he took me seriously and said I was a bad christian and unforgiving.

September 6, 2003

it says picture unavailable, right heeeeeeeeeeeeere *sings*

September 6, 2003

ryn: lol… funny you should mention it. I do have some old suits and hats that just might do the trick.

September 7, 2003

um.. oh cheese, i was going to say something. hang on.

September 7, 2003

right. StarCraft and BroodWar! whee, i named my lurkers last time i played. there was.. Charlene, Charlene, and.. Charlene. and my favourite one was Charlene. except she died. poor little lurker. hugs,

September 7, 2003

I love girl-on-girl porn too.

September 7, 2003

Welcome. Anytime, Timbo.