Dream for 5-19-6
“I’ll remember this dream. …No wait, I won’t. Better write it out.”
I’m at my Grandma’s. Like it’s just me up there. I tell her I’ll probably end up losing weight while I’m there simply because I eat every few hours when I’m at home.
Though, that was from an earlier dream and I can’t recall the rest. Just thought I’d point out how I’m again having a dream at my Grandma’s. Also, had my dreams center around my old house.
Milk. I’m drinking a ton of milk out of my old fridge. I close the fridge door, but it won’t close. No, it’s the freezer. My mom bought a ton of “smart ones” ice cream thingies. I place them neatly in the freezer, then wonder if I should have one as a carb boost. Yes, even in my dreams, I think about working out.
I’m with my sister. Okay, now, I’m sleeping with my sister. Why am I sleeping with Wendi? I have no idea. I want to spoon her, but I figure that would make her uncomfortable. She leans forward to retoss the comforter.
I’m in a car with my old physics teacher. Which is rather funny when you consider he’s driving fast for some reason. He pulls a fast K-turn, nearly crashing into a car. I point out, “He’s a Physics teacher. He knows what he’s doing.” Cue laughter.
Then we’re riding some sort of elephant. Except, he can’t quite stear it straight. There’s a pillar up ahead which looks like we’ve passed before, but you know how dreams are. For some reason, we’re all latched together by some sort of rope. Helpful when the elephant goes off-course a bit and goes into water. Also helpful when we somehow fall off elephant.
Except, it’s not a complete descent, it’s like a gentle mid-air hover until we’re in the water. We? I have no idea why, but the person behind me is Elena. It’s not like the elephant is dangerous or anything, but it seems content on following us and at least licking us with his.. trunk. Also the current isn’t in our favor, either, though I’m still making headway to shore.
“Shore” apparently is some stone steps not unlike Rome. Or so I’ve seen in too many movies. Or have I. For whatever reason, Elena’s not making as much headway. “Damn it, Elena!” And of course dragging her by her foot while backstroking is the best option. *nods decisively* That’s me, saving the uh female-type person. I won’t even think about the physics of me having “thrown” or “tossed” her onto shore. Hey, I did it in a dream?
Except this place is a cross between some sort of spring break resort and an amusement park beach. … I know what I mean! It’s a split second interlude. I make a mental note not to be such a stick in the mud next time and maybe enjoy the place.
One second later we’re at my parent’s. Actually, my old house. And I’m completely naked for some reason. And drying my testicles with a towel. I ask Elena if she needs anything. She says, “No, I should probably be getting home, I have homework to do.” My dad says that we have a .. laundry basket. Except that wasn’t the phrase. Damn, it was a really strange phrase he used to describe towels that are in a hamper and ready to be used. Nevermind. I told Elena I’d take a quick shower.
I head up to the bathroom and realize that I, in fact, don’t need a quick shower. What the hell’s the point? Just dry off and be done with it. I think about how I’d get her home. “Is the van even here? Oh right, I probably drove it here.” Ha! Take that dream-logic, though it didn’t occur to me that Elena lives in Minnesota. Then, given the romantic savior theme of the dream, I.. decide I want to have a nice kiss with her before I let her go. Suddenly awash with feelings I hadn’t visited in a while.
There’s a little more after that, but that’s basically the end of it. Man, I can’t remember the last time Elena popped up in a dream, let alone like that. Kind of embarassing. *smirks* But I know she won’t rub it in too much.
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