Dream for 5-18-6

I think I slept harder last night than I have in ages. Remember how I worked out yesterday morning? That clearly taxed me through the entire day. I felt tired, so I went to bed around 9 PM. In was so tired that I had trouble falling asleep. So tired that I woke up a couple times. 11 PM. 1 AM. And then the dreams started kicking in. I had so many dreams last night, it’ll be impossible to recall all of them. My god, all these intricate plots, and none of them lucid.

I don’t know where it begins, I don’t know where it ends. Ever try to recall your dreams, only to recall some other dream you’ve had at another night? “Goddamn it, not that one!”

I could fixate on a moment and recall tiny details. Like being in a bathroom, then someone in a stall farting. Yup, that person’s taking a dump! How did I get in this bathroom? I don’t know, but this was a later dream, and it’s like I was back at the scene of a previous dream. Then, I meet some people I was supposedly with before. We’re not supposed to be here. This turns into one of the girls lying that she goes to school there. She kept making up names for who she was in the computer.

The last segment of my dream was really amusing. I can’t remember the names offhand, but three politicians randomly decided, “I’m going to run with Al Gore!” …Or was it Bob Dole. Somehow, Bush ends up running off with this politician. Man, my own dreams are so confusing, I can’t even remember them. I know this was a take on a movie I saw, but I can’t remember the name.

There’s a large building in England. Was I in it, or just recalling it? “You wouldn’t know it, but part of it goes underground.” I can still see it. Huge mofo.

I’m trying to fixate on a scene where there’s actual other people. There’s a door open behind us, and kids (my age) laying on the floor. Couples. Damnit, I can’t get a lock on it.

Very external dreams. Like I’m just along for the ride. As if I’m in a movie.

Damn it. I was overdue for some massive dreaming. I woke up some time after 8 AM. My hamstrings are slightly sore. A good sore, I know types of soreness. ..As well as my back. I think I need to flip my mattress, geez. In fact, a lot of me feels sore. In a good way. I like that.

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May 18, 2006

interesting dreams… o.0

I had a dream I was obsessively vacuuming my best friend’s best room. And liking it.

May 18, 2006

When you’re pregnant you tend to wake up every hour or so at night, so you remember basically every dream you had that night. I don’t even to describe the horrors that my mind came up with. I also appreciate the soreness after working out. Especially when it comes one, or even two days later.

May 18, 2006

i had a dream that i was being chased by the manager of a walgreens, and he was trying to kill me with a samurai sword. talk about crazy dreams… ♥