Crunch Time.
Crunch, crunch. I had a massive release of stress over Thanksgiving. I’ve felt exceedingly relaxed this week. A little TO relaxed, honesty. But, NaNoWriMo is over, and I find myself wondering where I was a mere month ago. Has it really been four weeks? You write 62K words, you pour your essence into it. I feel different.
I made a little TimmyCalender on the front of my A&P lecture notebook, just for my own information. This is getting crowded relatively quickly. This will probably make non-colliagiate types extremely nervous and paranoid. I’m not. I’ve been in college far too long. I know just how much downtime there is. There is time. There’s solace in knowing once I get through this, there’s a break at the end of it.
December 1st: Standard Spanish HW
December 3rd: Finish making A&P notecards
December 5th: 3rd A&P Lecture Exam
December 6th/8th: Standard Spanish HW To be done
December 11th: Finish Exercise Science paper
December 13th: 4th Spanish test/projects due
December 14th: A&P Lab Final
December 16th: Finish collecting all notecards for A&P Final
December 19th: Spanish Final
December 21st: A&P Lecture Final
There’s more. There’s so much more. I can understand it graphically. I could just go by when things are due, but I HAVE to do things in advance. Get the notecards done in advance so I can go through them ad nauseum.
In the short term, I have a bunch of spanish homework to do tonight. Tomorrow, I’m going to stay until the library closes and get those notecards pumped out. I’ll try to finish it Saturday. I’ll work on it Sunday, if necessary. Sunday/Monday is when I go through them until I get it right. When I get everything I have down, I go home, as I have no class on Monday. The exam is the fifth. That paper? I guess I’ll have to work on it Monday after I finish studying. It’s something I have to sit down and do. Down to the wire, as always.
That’s how my schedule is starting to look. It’s my least favorite thing about the end of the semester. I love that we’re about to be on break, but all of the work drives all of my friends crazy, which in turn drives me crazy.Laura Margaret
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