Cardio for 4-5-9

Bah, that was almost a disaster. I stretched, I warmed up, and not far into my first jog interval did my iliotibial band seize up on me again. What the fuck! I did some standing external rotation stretches, and did some standing abductions (In the event it was lack of blood?). I walked the rest of the loop. Tried jogging the second lap. Same thing. Third lap, same thing.

By this time it occurred to me, “Wait, the iliotibial band may have some external rotators, but you’re not stretching the abductors!” Is it obvious I’ve taken kinesiology? So I got in the ground and did a quick stretch for my right hip abductors. Finished the circle and started jogging. Motherfucker didn’t bother me at all.

I lost some culmulative jogging time, but when I DID actually get going, I went the entire circle and a little farther. So that sets a new mark for me to pass. Better than nothing.

The girlfriend is still interested in jogging with me on Mondays. Thing is, she can’t jog for 60 seconds straight, as prescribed by the first interval in couch-to-5k. Put simply: If I can get better at this, anyone can. I have an idea of using smaller intervals to get her up to 60 seconds eventually. Maybe something as small as 10s/20s to start. (Because even numbers are easier to keep track of.)

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April 5, 2009

I think it was the iliotibial band that was the demise of my jogging career – is that the one that runs from hip point to outside of knee area? I never did figure out a combination of stretching that helped – I wonder if you did. Not that I’m likely to motivate to jogging again. Just curious.

bren’s hand-me-down computer was bluescreening, so we bought a new one. in less than 24 hours, the new one became utterly inoperable. is there any chance that having two running computers in the same room is screwing up the electricity or something? any thoughts or suggestions?

Can you describe the stretch? I started c25k doing 25-30 secs for each interval.

April 5, 2009

ok so in every day language, is that the same area I described?

April 6, 2009

yes, you’re smart 🙂 moderation is key. Some people donno what that means. Maybe I need to go in and edit my entry again. But then again…if I mention eating just one 10″ burrito with beans and rice tomatoe and lettuce in it, they’ll think its ok. Ya know? Ugh…see it’s people like you and me who KNOW and therefore can eat pretty much whatever when we want.